Path to Acceptance

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This is an AU where Viggo manages to escape the cave with Hiccup, the Skrill and the twins, I'm pretty sure many people wish he got his character redemption :,)


"So you're just gonna pretend as if everything's normal?" Snotlout snapped at Hiccup and the twins as he, Fishlegs and Astrid eyed the unexpected guest standing with them.

"Snotlout will you please be more welcoming?"

"Oh sure. Excuse me," he paused and cleared his throat. "Welcome to our crib, Viggo. As you can see," he gestured to the board where Maces and Talons were laid out, "this is where we plan our next move against you. If that's all you need to know you may now leave. Oh wait you don't seem to have a boat, how about swim?"

At that moment, the purple Skrill entered the clubhouse, snarling at Snotlout and holding a winged arm around Viggo, assuming his 'master' was being threatened. Snotlout gasped and ran away from them while Viggo patted him comfortingly. "It's alright, dragon."

Fishlegs stood in a corner silently while watching Viggo interact with the Skrill. After a full minute of staring without blinking, Hiccup cleared his throat to grab his attention. "I... I've never seen a Skrill so tame and protective over an individual before," he explained to the rest of the gang as Toothless entered and nudged Viggo gently, who scratched his chin before he made his way to his own rider. His actions towards their sworn enemy definitely took the gang by surprise.

"Ok, Toothless is never this welcoming," Astrid said she she glared and crossed her arms. She pulled out her axe threateningly. "What have you done with them and the dragons now, Viggo? Some hypnotising dragon you forced into labour?"

"Why dear Astrid, I'd never do that, at least not anymore," Viggo replied as he stroked the Skrill's head. "I've been betrayed by both Krogan and Johann, I'm a changed man. Just ask Hiccup if I can't convince you."

As Hiccup opened his mouth, Astrid beat him to it. "No matter what he says, even if he's the most believable person to us, it'll take more than his words to earn my trust. You should know by know how Hiccup forgives and trusts people too easily sometimes. I'll be keeping an extra eye on you, Viggo, sleep with both eyes open." Without another word, she returned to her own hut for the night.

Viggo turned to Hiccup with a smirk. "Nice taste you have."

Hiccup ignored his comment and rolled his eyes. "In a way Astrid is right, I'm sorry Viggo but we can't welcome you fully even after what you've done for us today. However, you may join us here on the Edge, and if you'd like I can teach you how to ride your dragon."

Viggo smiled. "Thank you Hiccup. I assure you I'd do anything to help in your fight against those two thugs, after all I'm left with nothing and no one. You have my word, and it's true this time."

Hiccup nodded before explaining where Snotlout's hut was so he could settle for the night, much to his disgust as Hookfang snorted in amusement. Viggo then led his dragon to the stables before making his way to the hut. As Hiccup strolled back to his hut with Fishlegs behind him, he couldn't help himself but ask his best friend. "Do I really trust and forgive people too easily?"

Fishlegs just shrugged, neither confirming nor denying.


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