To The Gates of Valhalla

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It's been years and the vikings of New Berk have finally got what they wanted: the wedding between Hiccup and Astrid. When they were still fifteen, word had gotten around about their close friendship, with gossips turning the story, making seem that they were in love. That wish had finally come true when they announced their relationship at the age of eighteen. Ever since, the entire village waited for their wedding day. The excitement definitely couldn't be suppressed by Stoick's proud boasting after their betrothal. Sadly, he wasn't able to witness this event.

In her hut, Astrid was panicking as she messed her hair into various styles, unsatisfied with all results. She growled in frustration whenever they didn't seem to suit her flower crown or dress. Her mother, Valka, Heather and Ruffnut were there with her helping with her outfit and preparations.

After the fourteenth time restyling her hair, Ruffnut interrupted her motion, ready to attempt yet another style. "Have you ever thought of trying with your hair down? It looks absolutely gorgeous, see?" she said as she yanked Astrid's arms away from her head while Heather brushed it down. Astrid stared at her reflection for a long time as the girls placed her flower crown on her head.

"I guess this could work, thanks Ruff," Astrid replied, although discomfort was visible behind her eyes.

"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" her mother asked as she placed her hands on her daughter's shoulders. "You look stunning. Hiccup would be elated when he sees you."

Astrid sighed before she glanced at her mother staring back at her reflection. "Mom, Valka, am I ready?"

"I'm sorry dear?"

"Am I ready to be the chief's wife? To be Hiccup's wife?" Astrid stuttered as she spoke. "What if he changes his mind? What if I'm not what he thought I was?"

Behind them, Ruffnut groaned. "Really Astrid? You're worried about being rejected by him? Honestly if I were you I would be the happiest and luckiest girl alive."

Heather nodded in agreement. "Astrid, Hiccup has been waiting for this day for years. I know that. Back when we were still on the Edge, he told me multiple times on how he felt so lucky to be your man, and about his biggest dream to marry you. If he were to turn on his heels now, I would personally behead him with my axe."

Astrid and the two moms in the room laughed at Heather's comment before Valka spoke up. "Heather's right. He's been waiting for this moment all his life. He wanted to marry you a few months after he became chief but never begged or forced you. He knew you weren't ready, so he waited for you," she said while patting Astrid's back. "My son has made many decisions in his past few years as chief, but I know the surest decision he has ever made was to marry you."

Those small words of comfort definitely helped Astrid feel better for herself, although they didn't help her shake of the nerves. After a few moments, Valka stood up saying she was going to check on her son. As she opened the door to leave, Snotlout came running in. "Woah Astrid, I swear on my life that Hiccup will cry the moment he lays his eyes on you."

Valka and the other girls chuckled before she started her walk to her son's and soon to be Astrid's hut. On the way, she passed the statue of her late husband, where the village was gathering under Gobber's instructions to witness the marriage of Berk's power couple. She had planned the event without Hiccup or Astrid's knowledge, hoping they would be enthralled by the surprises.

As she reached her son's doorstep she knocked on the door once, which was immediately answered by Tuffnut. "Valka," he whispered softly so the others in the hut couldn't hear. "Hiccup is doing his stressed pacing again. He's worried about Astrid not being ready."

Valka laughed softly and massaged her head for a moment. She understood how frightening it must have felt for the two lovebirds, but what worried her more was that she knew Hiccup always doubted himself. She stepped into the hut where she finds her son with Fishlegs and Eret, both men trying to calm the pacing auburn haired viking, muttering to himself under his breath. "Oh hey mom," he said before he went back to pacing and staring at the floor. Fishlegs shrugged as he made eye contact with Valka.

"Hiccup, out with it."

Hiccup stopped and ran a hand through his messy hair. "Mom, did you ever doubt yourself? Did you ever believe you weren't good enough for dad?"

Valka smiled as she brought her son to the closest couch, sitting next to him with an arm over his shoulders. "Of course, I always did. But I believed that if he wanted to marry me and I wanted to too, we would work out anything that fell in between us. May it be other women or cranky Viking rebels. If you think you forced her, no you didn't. I was just with her and I'll tell you that I've never seen her so ready for anything before, not even for early morning flights with Stormfly." She placed a hand on Hiccup's cheek, lifting his face to her eyes. "Trust me son. You two have waited long enough and now you need each other more than ever."

Hiccup sat there in silence as he gazed into his mother's warm eyes of comfort, instantly calming down. He wrapped his arms around her and buried his face into her shoulder. "Thanks, ma. I wish dad were here. He couldn't wait for us to get married," he sniffled a little at the thought of his father.

Valka just stroked his head comfortingly. "He's in here," she said as she patted his chest where his heart was. "And he will forever be. A part of you."

She hugged Hiccup a little while longer before pulling apart. "Ready to get married?"

Hiccup smiled as he put on his wreath which was passed to him by Fishlegs. He stood up and glanced at the reflection of his face in a shield lying in the corner of the room. "Ready as I'll ever be."

The boys made their way to the village square while Valka walked back to Astrid's old hut to bring out the bride.

For once Snotlout was right, Hiccup's tears leaked out of his eyes as he watched his bride approach him. In the years to come, he would boast about that memory being the most emotional and unforgettable moment of his life, that is until the birth of his first child, daughter Zephyr Haddock.

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