An (Unfortunately) Tuff Lesson

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"Uncle Fishlegs! Can you teach me about dragons?"

"Oh I'm sorry, Nuffink, but I need to help your dad with the incoming shipment with the traders."

"Zephyr, can we play?"

"Sorry Nuff, mom and grandma are forcing me to get a new outfit for Snoggletog, ugh."

"Uncle Eret, can we practice combat skills?"

"I'm very sorry, Nuffink Haddock, but I need to help your father manage the construction of new huts."

"Uncle Snotlo-"

"Sorry kiddo, the letter 'S' on my hut won't repair itself."

Nuffink huffed in frustration as he walked back home on his own with his head hanging down low, knowing no one would be able to accompany him. As usual, Hiccup went on being chief which wasn't a big deal for him anymore, but this time unfortunately his most favourite person in the world, Astrid, was busy with his sister. He was upset with his mom's absence, but at the same time glad she wasn't home making yaknog to quote unquote "spread the upcoming holiday cheer". He and his sister never dared question her cooking ever since their dad got locked out for a whole week when her soup turned out lumpy.

The young blonde Haddock plopped down onto the steps leading up to his family's hut with a sigh. He picked up a twig and began poking the muddy ground at his feet, drawing some sheep and watching the mud close up again. While he scribbled the mud, he didn't notice the frames of two lanky blondes approaching him until they stopped directly in front of him. Nuffink lifted his bored eyes upwards into the other two pairs looming down at him with huge grins planted on their faces.

"Didn't daddy say everyone is busy today?" the young Haddock piped up curiously as both twins sat on either side of him, Tuffnut accidentally stepping on his sheep doodle on the ground.

"In a way you're right, my blonde mini Hiccup," Tuffnut announced proudly. "And Hiccy my man has left me for once in charge of playing with you, although I do find it sketchy that he suddenly allows me to accompany you unsupervised..."

He glanced at his twin sister with a raised eyebrow, but in return Ruff just shrugged and patted Nuffink's back gently, giving him a gentle smile. "It was more of your dad asking Uncle Tuffnut to watch over you from ten feet away without any interaction in case he influences you in a way," she explained as Nuffink cocked his head to the side in confusion. "But he's right here next to you as your parents seem to have lots of trust in my presence with you compared to my brother."

The twins just sat and stared at Nuffink in between them, who turned left to right repeatedly in an attempt to examine both their expressions thoroughly. He stopped when he turned back to Tuffnut for the seventh time, confusion filled in his voice. "Dad never allows you to watch over me, only my grandmas and grandpa or Gobber, Aunty Ruffnut, Uncle Fishlegs or Uncle Eret." He stuck a finger out as he counted people along the way. "Why now?"

Tuffnut chuckled. "Because, my tiny friend, you're a little child while I love explosions, even your Aunty Ruffnut loves them too."

"Then why can she watch over me and not you?"

"Because I know how to watch over kids and control myself," Ruffnut answered in a boastful tone, making Tuffnut envious and tempted to outshine his twin.

"Oh really? You think I can't watch over this... combo of a Haddock and a Hofferson, with the brains, skills and strength of both clans? I bet I would do better than you ever could. Oh sis, you're about to be defeated on this day," Tuffnut yelled in Ruffnut's face over Nuffink.

The female blonde stood up and stretched, then stuck her hand out to her brother who shook it. "You're on." She then bent over and ruffled Nuffink's already messy hair before departing. "Good luck, little man. Don't forget, if anything happens Aunty Ruffnut had no involvement in any of this!"

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