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Hey guys!!! This one-shot was given to me as an idea by fatmaalsharkawy , AND I CANT BELIEVE I FORGOT ABOUT ASTRID AND HER COOKING. Anyway enjoy~


Ahh, what's the best thing that awaits you at home at the end of a long, hard day of work? For most people it is the sight of a freshly cooked dinner prepared by their family members or friends. Unfortunately Chief Hiccup Haddock could not say the same. Although he would not admit it in front of his wife, he was definitely the better chef in the house. On most evenings, he would get back home to bring his young children to the grand hall for dinner, where random villagers volunteer to cook dinner for anyone who didn't have the time to prepare their own. By the time they arrive at the great hall, Astrid would've gotten their meals from the chefs, making the entire process much quicker and easier for the whole family.

On this particular evening, Hiccup made his way back home to finally meet his kids after a day of handling screaming sheep herders. What he didn't expect was his children running out of the house in horror, whisper-screaming at him. He took a moment to try and interpret their message as they tried their best to communicate the situation as quietly as possible when he noticed the smell of food being cooked coming through their front door. Aw snap.

"Alright, whatever happens, just pretend nothing happened out here. You hear me? None of us want to die tonight," he whispered to the kids, who just nodded back with fear in their eyes.

He picked them both up, Zephyr on one arm and Nuffink on the other and made his way into the battlefield: his wife and the kitchen.

"Mommy, dad is home!" Zephyr cheered as they entered the cozy hut, sneaking Hiccup a wink while Nuffink whispered "good luck" into his ear.

Hiccup set the children down in front of the fire and told them to play while they wait for dinner, and secretly saluted them before 'marching' off to the kitchen, earning little giggles from them. Gosh, they just melt his heart so much.

To confirm his worst fears, he found his wife preparing dinner. He approached and gave her a hug from behind. "Hey babe, why are you home cooking? Didn't you have a busy day?" he asked her as he gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"I finished my duties early and decided to surprise my family. Besides, why do you say it like that as if my food is horrific?" Astrid remarked with a laugh, making Hiccup freeze.

"Uhhhhhh no of course not! Why would you think so haha," Hiccup replied in an unconvincing tone, which Astrid thankfully did not notice. "Do you need help though?"

"Nope, it's all taken care of here," Astrid replied with a wink.

This definitely made Hiccup worried. He noticed the kids peeping into the kitchen, worried about what they will be forced to eat. He knew he had to keep pushing, just to save the little angels, even if it meant getting Astrid's axe splitting his skull.

"Astrid really, here let me help, I feel bad making you do this for us."

"No Hiccup, you go rest and play with the kids after a long day. I can handle this, I promise," Astrid replied gently.

Hiccup grew nervous. "Come on Astrid please, I'm just worried something might go wrong-"

"Really Hiccup? You think I'm incapable of preparing a meal on my own? It's not like I'm going to poison the family." Astrid started noticing Hiccup's uneasy attitude.

"No no no I didn't say that, I'm just worried there might be some problems and dinner will turn out less great...?"

Of course Astrid nearly murdered him if it weren't for their children running into the kitchen. The worst definitely happened, which was him being locked out of the house until Astrid invited him in after cooling down. Sadly, the children weren't spared from her dinner and they spent the entire time waiting for their meal with their dad just to keep him company and show him some stunts they learnt from the academy that day. About 20 minutes later, Astrid invited Zephyr and Nuffink back in, but left Hiccup outside, giving him a death glare before slamming the door. No news came from his angry wife nor the kids for another two hours, when Astrid finally opened the door and sat outside with him, giving him a plate of some cold leftovers.

"Eat it and tell me if it's what you thought," she said while rolling her eyes.

Hiccup took the plate cautiously from her, fearing she might snap at any moment. With no signs of sudden attacks, he took a piece of meat with his hand and ate it. He definitely had the shock of his life. Unlike her yaknog or previous attempts at cooking, this dish was actually delicious. He would even be lying if he said it wasn't any better than the meals from the great hall. "It's... excellent."

"Yeah, now you say so. Hours ago you were trying your best to prevent me from cooking and now you're actually enjoying the food, cold too. Even the kids love it, they begged for seconds," she stated factually. Hiccup continued gobbling down the leftovers, oh boy he was starving and really loved the dish.

"Astrid look, I'm so sorry I doubted your cooking. I have to admit that your last few times weren't very... uh... edible?"

Astrid rose an eyebrow. She noticed Hiccup go pale, even in the darkness of the night, making her sympathise her husband. "Ok ok I get it, that doesn't matter anymore. But you do know that it did hurt when you said you thought I wasn't capable."

"I'm sorry honey, I didn't mean to say it that why. I guess I was really afraid the kids might hurt you if they don't enjoy it. I guess I was wrong," Hiccup sighed as he finished the last scraps of his dinner. "I don't know how to make it up to you but please don't kill me Astrid. I love and care so much about you, and the kids will definitely miss me."

Even in trouble, he never failed to put a small smile on her face. "You're welcome back into the house," she said, watching Hiccup's face light up. "BUT you aren't sleeping in our room, the living room floor is all yours though."

Hiccup just stared at her stunned for a moment as she walked back in, calling out a "good night" before making her way up the stairs. He just shrugged before whispering under his breath "I so deserved this", and chuckled to himself.

The next morning Hiccup was woken up by someone jumping on him. His eyes opened to find Zephyr staring at him.

"You screwed up big time."

"I definitely did. But hey, at least you and Nuffink are safe."

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