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"Hello brother" I turn around and look at my younger brother, it been six years since I haven't seen him.
I hug him
"Hi Jacob" we look at each other eyes and we knew that the past had to stay we're it belongs in the past
"So where is the princess"
"Amelia come over here please" I turn around as I hear her little shoes hills get closer to us
"Hi daddy" I grab her my her hand
"I want you to meet your uncle Jacob" she stand in front of me and pulls her hand to shakes Jacob
"I'm you uncle how about a hug" she looks at me and I nodded
She pulls apart as Jacob pulls down his bag
"Your so beautiful Amelia"
"Thank you"
"I brought you a gift" he pulls out a box out of his bag
"Can I open it daddy" I nodded
"Do you want me to help you Amelia"
"Yes please uncle" he opens the box an pulls out a frame he gives it to her
"I was friends with your mom, we actually are best friends" I look at him
"Thank you brother"
"Can I see if baby" she nodded
"Can I play with my friends daddy"
"Yes sure" I pulled the frame towards me . Bella was sitting down in the park holding a flower to her hand, she was wearing this beautiful blue summer dress with white sandals. I hug the picture to my chest
"I thought she can have the picture" I look at Jacob
"Thank you Jacob" we hug

"Damon, let's cut the cake" I nodded
"Do you want to join me" he nodded
"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you , happy birthday Amelia happy birthday to you" I was behind Amelia as she blew out the candles
Everyone was at her party her friends from school ,a few coworkers from my business and my mother inlaw and Nadia and of course my beautiful wife her mother looking down at us from the sky
Six years have past and till this day it still hurts, I could haven't done it my self with Amelia. I don't know how life would have been with out Bella and I don't picture it because i will always have something that made me the man I am till this day my daughter Amelia.

"I love you Bella thank you for showing me what love is"

Thank you so much for reading my story . . It has been a long journey but my first ever story is done . . .

In love with my boyfriend brotherWhere stories live. Discover now