Back To Reality

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This week went by fast , I have spend this whole week with Damon . Jacob has been busy with there family business and even Thoe I haven't spend time with him , I feel fine idont know if it's because I'm not really alone I'm with Damon , and after that night at his place we haven't kiss or touch . Went he kiss me and I got him to lean closer to me , he whiper in my ear that we couldn't so I slept alone and he did aswell . Now I'm driven to work , it felt nice being off work and school a couple a days but now reality it's calling me back. My phone rings and it's Jacob .
"Hello" i park my car and I got out
"hi baby I'm sorry I haven't spend time with you but this family business is killing me and the buyer can't settle for what we ask for can I see you tonight ?" Close my car door and I walk to the club
"I have to go and yeah sure I'll see you later but I have go now " I Hangup I'm not trying to be a bitch to him but he has to understand he haven't been with me atleast for 10 min he doesn't love me , like he said . I walk inside my room and I do the usual routing and I check my phone it's 1240 already I don't go out there till 11 it's a Saturday night and it's pack . I walk out to go see how busy it is , and I see Jacob at the VIP section he knows I was going to work today , since he asked this morning I wonder if his here for me . they called my name and I come out and they started playin the song pertition by Beyoncé . Rught after I dance after a minute I turn sound to see Damon and I hear a gun shot , it's Leo walking with 2 men's I guess their his body guard .
"Everybody get down or you won't see another day" I see Leo walking towards me and I lean down , I started shaking and I'm scared.
"Not you dulce " I look at the floor and he picks me up . And I'm fighting pulling away but let's face it he has more strength than I do .
"stop fighting sweetheart your coming with me" I kick him I keep kicking fighting back.
"No no no let me go please Leo let me go " I see Damon and his fighting one of kris guard and now his on the floor . Damon sees me and I start crying more , I hit Leo in his stomah and he leans down I go and someone hits me from the back , I felt down and I can't see anything anymore .

Damon -

I see Bella on the groud and I see blood, I'm not sure from where she bleeding . I run towards the men who had the balls to hit a woman , not just any woman but the love of my life . I go and I punch him and knock him on the floor , I see gave him one more look and I walk where Bella was . She's on the ground I pick her up and I started walking to the entrance .
"I just called the cops is dulce okay ?" I turn aroud and is the owner bob , I have knowing him since I was the one who pay him so Bella can take some time off , but Bella doesn't know that and bob can't say anything since he sign the contract.
"I'm taking her call her mother so she won't worry give her my nomber and do this tommorow don't wake her up"
I pulled my keys out of my pants and I unlock the car , I sit her down I called my private airplane and they are waiting for me imtaking her with me back home until I feel that she is safe.

Bella -

I wake up and my head is pounding , I sat up and I get dizzy
"Relax your okay don't move to much" I know that voice
"Damon where are you " I'm here Bella i feel some hands touching mines.
"Damon why I can't see , why I can't see" I hear another voice talking and it's a male voice
"Bella how old are you ?" What the hell why can't I see
"Bella please answer the doctors question " Damon's voice I hear , i start crying im scared
"I'm 18" it feels like minutes have pass and no one is talking and I start panicking crying out loud
" do you go to school ?"
"Yes I do I want to be a doctor , what's wrong with me please tell me " some one is touching my face claning my tears
"I'm doctor lavisky , you got hit preaty bad and you have been 4 days uncounsence I have to run some test I'm not sure why you can't see " omg I cry more
"I'm i blind " some one hugs me and I smell his colone it's Damon I hug him back
"I can't give you that answer until I run the test " i stop hugging Damon and I lay back down
"Where I'm at Damon I was to see my mom " i want to die , I'm scared and I'm not going to work and not going to go to school and be a doctor.
"Do you remember what happen ?" I hear someone open the door is it just me and Damon now
"Damon are we along "I'm trying to clean my face
"Yes we are alone , answer me do you remember what happen ?" I nod and I started crying again.
"Leo had a gun and then I don't remember anything anymore I felt someone hit me from the back "I feel his had touching mines
"Yes I ran to him and hit him I current believed he hit you just like you were a man , how can a man raise a hand on you , no woman should get hit . I pick you up I called my plane and we left from the city we got here with in 6 hrs I had my private doctor come with us I was scared I was goin to lose you" i sit down and right when I was gonna get up he pulls me down
"You just wokeup a few min ago , what you need I'll get it for you " I nod
"I have to talk to my mom can I ?"
"Yes you can , but first I have to asked you something I told bob to tell her that I took you to California so you can be my private assistance for scare her " I nod he was right I can't scared my mom I don't want her to get more sick
"Give me he nomber so I can dial"
I sit down
"212 351 6789 "
He gives me the phone in my hands it rings and I'm tryin to be as calm as I can
"Hello Bella ?" a tear falls down
"Hi mom I have a surprise for you "
I can hear her I can feel her smiling
"Thankgod you landed okay bob told me you have a new job how you like it in Los Angeles is it hot over there ?" why she said Los Angeles I thought I was in California so I played along
"yeah mom is hot out here is very nice I miss you so much " I start crying, I can't do this
"I miss you to baby but I'm glad you have a good job " I can't talk no more I feel guilty lying to my mom
"Mom I have to go but mom I need you to go to my room and walk inu closet , I have a box inside , grab the box and inside there is money what ever you need get it from there okay be safe mom and I love you don't worry about the bills I have payed in advance of anything I love you " I miss you so much mom I need you I wish I can tell you I'm scared of me being blind for the rest of my life
"I love you too baby take care of your self and called me when ever baby I'm here Goodluck on your new job "
"Bye " i gave Damon the phone
"Is everything okay with her over there ? I noded he gets closer I can feel him he hugs me and I broke down
"I'm scared Damon I'm so much scared how long I gonna be here what I'm I gonna do with school and my job "
"Shhhh don't worry about your job , I'll take care of you and your mom don't worry about that and I'll see what we can do with your school I need you to get Better okay don't worry about nothing and no more crying everything is gonna be better I promised " he cleans my tears away
"Can I go shower ?" I'm i going to shower my self or Holyshit I can't do nothing for myself
"Do you want me to help you " this is so embarrassing I noded and closed my eye

It had been 2 weeks on me not able to see and I had an operation 2 days and today the doctors takes of the bandages to see if ican see , Damon has been there for me everyday helping me with everything and I have got close to him . I spoke to Jacob a week ago and we took a break , he is furiouse that I never told him I got a new job . No he doesn't know what happen to me neither does my mom .

"Are you really Bella ?" lavisky is opening my bandages and I have my eyes closed they been closed 2 days Damon's hand is on mine I think his
"In a count of 3 open your eyes slowly Bella and tell me what you see " I noded
"1. . . . .2. . . . 3" I breath in and out I open my eyes slowly and everything is blurry but I can see , I see Damon's face infront of me , he looks like he haven't sleep does he worry about me that much .
"I can see Damon looking at me " he pulls me and swings me around a
"You can see " I noded and I started crying . He let's me go and he leans and kisses me , I kiss him back . .

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