surprise became almost to a heart attack

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 “I’m so soooo sorry Bella” I open my eyes as I moved my hand I look at Jacob and his eyes are watery

“Is okay Jacob I got really scared but don’t worry about it, why are you here. You said it is 4 in the morning and your inside my car “wait Sandy said why I don’t try to date Jacob, she must know something

“I wanted to surprise you Bella” I look at him and I breath it out he gets out of the car and goes around to sit next to me, he probably read my mind

“What do you want to do now Jacob?” he looks down at me

“Breakfast” I nodded and we drove to Denny’s I don’t get why is Jacob up at this time; I turn of my car getting out. I turn around to see Jacob closing the door. I lock my car and we headed to the waiter

“table for two” she smiles and grabs two menus with napkins, we sat down at the table she took us too, I look at Jacob I thinks his upset but can you blame me why I acted like that who wouldn’t freak out after a hard night going to your car and while you’re talking ton yours self’s someone responds to you of course I freak out any one would freak out, maybe a killer was in your car or I have to let this go

“Bella” I look at him

“Yeah” he shook his head

“Your day dreaming” he smiles showing me his cute dimples,

“I’m sorry I didn’t meant to freak out like that is just that I really got scared” he nodded

“Is okay I shouldn’t never done that to start with I just wanted to talk to you I couldn’t sleep at all “

“is everything okay?” right when he was about to talk , the waiter came with our drinks, I order water with lime since I just drank coffee not long ago, and Jacob order diet coke, I look at Jacob he is attractive why haven’t I look at him that way before I look at him whose smirking big time

“Because you’re scared?” I look at him with my eyes almost popping out

“What did you just say?” he looks at me

“And she will have banana pancakes” I turn and look at the waiter who smile and left with our orders I look back at Jacob and I felt my cheeks burn. Holyshit I just spoke aloud

“Bella you look like you’re about to pass out” I look at my menu this is embarrassed, Jacob lifts my chin

“Don’t worry about it? I look in his eyes how he looks hurt something different about his eyes

“Are you mad?” he looks down at his menu and shook his head I lifted his chin just like did couple minutes ago

“Don’t ever lie to me Jacob” he looks at me

“I have always like you Bella” I lay back to my chair 

In love with my boyfriend brotherWhere stories live. Discover now