Damon 2nd part

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Sorry guys , I'm not sure if anyone is reading my story . . It is my first story and I kinda feel like no one is reading it . . Most of my chapters are no edited I'm trying to update as soon as I have time . . Have a nice day/night 😊. .

I grab hi phone and I charge it then I relized I left my promised ring at the club . . I knoe no one can get in , but it kinda worries me that I lefted there tommorow morning I feel defenally go get it.

"What's your real name dulce ?" I look at him and I guess I was deep in my toughts we were park at the building were I and my boyfriend lives , I cheated on him why would I kiss someone knowing I have a boyfriend why does Damon make me feel diffeent around him .

"My name is Bella, but at work everyone knows me as Dulce, we keep our personal life to ourself I actually don't know why I have told you most of my life" he touches my hand an I grab his looking at him

"Why do I get nervouse being around you , I just meet you and I have told you most things about me not knowing who you are I usually keep it to my self"

I grab my purse and ready to leaves ,when his about to speak up I turn and look at him

"I'm diffeent I'm not like the other guys you have meet , I'm a men and I knoe what I want " he grabs my head and pulls me to him , he kiss me and I respond this kiss was diffeent , It was like this was my first kiss , and I'm falling in love It feels like when he touches me does it with such a delicate , that if he touches me hard I'll break , I feel butterflies in my tummy. We stop kissing and his he's is leaning with mines.

"You have to leave before I screw this up " looking away he starts his car.

'What would you screw up ?" I look at him and he is still looking outside the window .

"Hello look at me Damon! why will you screw up " he looks at me and he gives me the chills the way his stearing at me

"You have to leave Bella " I felt like my body shake when he called me by my name . I grab my purse and I got out , I slam the door and I'm looking at him from the outside window what's wrong with me, I know I would never want to hurt Jacob but I have to knoe him I have to know Damon. I walk inside and the door is open I go in the elevator and I press the last button the penthouse . When the elevator door open Jacob was at the door

"Hi baby he hugs me and gives me a kiss" I walk in and I take off my boots and I pull off my leather jacket

"We need to talk " I sit down and Jacob sits next to me

"I'm sorry I didn't pick you up " I look a him and I give him a kiss on the cheek his such a good boyfriend.

"It's not that I messed up at work and I have to tell you what happen I don't want to screw my relationship with you but " I look at him and his eyes are shining the same stare that Damon had when he look at me Jacob had.

"Bella I told you I don't want to knoe what happen I love you I accept you the way things off let's go sleep I'm tired and tommorow we have a long day ahead the deliver gets here finally after 2 days " I look at him and laugh

"It's gonna be a huge mission huh " we kiss and we lay down , he hugs me and just like that I felt a sleep .

I wokeup around 630 I took a quick shower just to wakeup because I decided I have a run and get some coffee before the delivery comes in .

I get my phone that it's only had 60 percent on it forgot to charge it lastnight I get my headphones and I start playing pandora on .

I go look for the Pent house keys and found them i put in my bra and I left . if didn't have no makeup and is okay I love my self , I had some leggins on and a lose tshirt , and my runing sneakers . I walk to the Central Park . I get my phone out and I press the pandora app, I press shuffle and I started jogging the first round I did was jogging then when I was ready to run my phone falls on the floor .

"Fuck " I whisper I pick up my phone and right when I was gonna connect back my headphones to the phone

"Is everything okay " I knoe that voice I turn is Damon looking all sweety and cute he had shorts on and a tshirt some sneakers and he had a iPod connected to his arm and his headphone on, he pulled them off when I was gonna start taking .

"Yeah everything is okay my phone just felt on the ground do my poor baby" when I was gonna turn my iphone 5 c it had a crack on the corner .

"Is your baby okay " I look at Damon he had a smile on his face ,

'Yeah gonna get it fix later what ever " he looks at me and grabs his iPod out

"Are you done runing ?" I look at him he puts back the iPod on his arm e had a wrap around his arm , it's like a case .

"No just started " he walks next to me pushing me on the side let's run then " he winks at me and starts runing , I put my phone on my bra and connected my headphones and I ran as fast as I could , we ran twice the whole park, I love runing but ever since I started working at the club I don't do it as a used to, so I knoe I was gonna feel the pain later today and tommorow . we stop and I lay in the grass.

"Holyshit " he sits next to me

"It was a good run" he pulls his shirt off , he has a 6 pack he had more body weight then Jacob he look good maybe even better than Jacob .

"Want to go get coffee at starbusk " I look up at me while he stands up , I nodded and he helps me get up , we walk to the place and order out drinks , while they made them we sat down. He looks at me

"Do you usually run in the mornings?" I smile at him

"I used to all the time but because of school and work I stop having the energy I did , now I do I when I can " I smile at him and the young lady came to us with our drinks , she was staring at Damon like he was a lost puppy , so when I notice he smile at her I look away .

"How about you do you run every morning ?" he nods and I took a sip of my coffee

"It's the only exercise that I have when I'm not home , I usually run " I check my phone had 2 missed calls and 3 text messages from Jacob . I text him back saying I went for a run and after going for coffee be there soon love . he responded okay . I get up and look at Damon flirting with the lady who was the one that got our drinks .

"It was nice seeing you but they are waiting for me at home " I walk to the register and payed for the drinks , the guy had my other drinks ready to go I pay and started walking when some one pulls me and I turn around .

"Your leaving just like that " I look at him and he looks hurt

"I'm sorry but I took longer time then I usually do, plus some one is waiting for me at home" he touches my hand

"Okay " I look at his hand and he pulls away I look back at him

"Maybe I can meet you for dinner "

"Sounds good I'll pick you up ?" yeah pick me up at my moms house at 7 sharp see you later " I walk away and he sat back down .

"Wait " I turn around to look at him

"Dress well beautiful " I noded and left . I have to buy a dress I'm so exited for tonight.

In love with my boyfriend brotherWhere stories live. Discover now