Date night

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I walk back to the penthouse , Jacob it's at the door and Aperantly the delivery men came early , so exited my new cloths came early maybe I don't even need to go buy a dress who knows.

"Here's your coffee babe" I go give him a kiss and I put down the coffee on the table.

"I'm gonna shower be right back " I walk in to our shower and I took a long shower I did the usual and I walk out I put on some pjs , so I can help putting everything away .

"That's all they brought ?" I look at Jacob and his not happy about it ither , why would they waste their gas on just bringing half of the stuff we order.

"They said they mest up the order so they have to come tommorow" I finish putting my stuff away and help him put his stuff clothing ect away .

"I'm gonna go do something later today it's that fine with you? maybe I can come over later tonight when I'm done. I want to go get my eyebrows done and my nails and do a few other things I haven't had a Bella day off in a while " he looks at me and finish trowing the garbage away from the packages we just got.

"Yeah take a Bella's day off I have to do few things too with my mom, for some reason they are having trouble with the family business" I give him a kiss and I grab my purse before leaving ,

I walk home to get my car I love walkin , especially where I live I'm a city girl.

I got home i pick up my car and now I'm laying at a massage chair getting my pedicure done , I have a pinkish color since I was done with my manicure aswell all I was left to do here at the salon was my eyebrows I only get it clean i have the perfect eyebrows sometimes I add a little shape to it when I do my makeup. I payed and left to walk to the mall and look for a dress, I ended up buying a black dress I show a little clibage which is okay because I have a good size of breast . The black dress is tight aroud my body and loses on the bottom it's strapless , I got black highills with that, I also bought my self some gold neckes and a bracelet and my purse . I check my phone and had about 2 hrs left I walk to my car and I drove home . I got home and went to say hi to my mom but guess what she was at the neighbor having a date night aswell . I go to my room and took a bubble blah the smell of roses make my body feel so good . I blast my phone with pandora can't you tell I love lissing to pandora hahah , I check my phone and have an hr to get ready , I grab a towel and got out of the tub. I walk to my room and I grab my lotion and I put it around my body , I get my phone from my bathroom and I put it on the speaker so it can charge while it plays the songs . I can believed the guy gave me a discount on changing the screen he makes fun of me because i have no luck on my phone . I check my phone had 30 min . I blow dry my hair and I did my makeup while my hair airdrys , I finish with my makeup and I turn my curling wand on ,I check my phone and I have 10 min left , I curl my hair and I put on my under wear , and I put on my black dress I grab my purse and put inside my cash my credit card , my lipstick and license . I grab my neckles and put it on I here the bell ring . I grab my neckes and I grab my favorite perfume I walk downstairs

"I'm coming " I put on my highills I open the door , cute handsome Damon was there

"Hi" I lean down to give him a kiss on the cheek and he moves and I I gave him one in the mouth . I walk away turning I knew I was probably blushing , I put on my bracelet I'm having trouble

"I just need to go get my purse " he walks to me blocking the stairs looking at me in the eyes smirking

"Need help Bella" I give him my arm and helps my put on my bracelet he leans in my ear

"Your beautiful by the way" and steps away I walk to my room an I look in the mirror I was blushing indeed I grab my purse and I walk downstairs.

"Your ready princess" I smile at him and I nod we walk out and I left my keys inside it's okay my mom will have to be home by the time I ge back .

He opens the door for me and I get in he walks around an we drive up he took me out of the city it was probably 45 min drive he had a gps giving him directions. We arrived to this fancy restaurant , he opens the door and I get out we walk and he turne around

"Sorry I forgot something sweetheart , I moved on the side so he can go get what he left and he walk straight to me

"I forgot my kiss" he leans and gives me a kiss a unforgettable kiss it was sweet he stops and gives me his hand I grab it and we walk together .

"Welcome to little Itally" we walk in and the server let's us to a table Damon pulls the chair away from the table and let's me sit down he walks around and sits down across from me, we order red wine and I order the same , I'm not a big drinker actually I don't know how to drink I hope I don't embarrass my self.

He orders stake and I order chicken cancu pasta . Damon orders a bottle for our table

"How was your day beautiful?" I look at him

"it was good I actually walk all day today it was nice, I took a Bella day off"

"How about yours?" he drinks some of his wine

"It was okay I'm having a little trouble with a business I'm trying to buy but I don't want to get in to it , you like your dinner ?" I nod

"Yes Thankyou I like it very much "

"More wine beautiful ?"he stands and grabs my cup and sirves me some wine after 6 drink and later , we walk to his car we had a great time I almost trip so he pick me up bridal style and I'm laughing he looks at me straight in the eyes

"Your okay beautiful " I nod

"Yes sir I'm okay I have to call my mom I kinda lock my self out by accident but she's always home I should be okay . I called the house and no answer I called Jacob and it went to voicemail

"Is everything okay Bella ?"

I look at him

' I'm lock out no one is picking up there phone "he turns his car on and starts driven away

"Want to have a cup of wine at my place and will wait until you get ahold of someone" I noded and I turn on his radio ariana song hooneymoon started playing and I sang along , We arrive at is house and let me tell you it's beautiful we walk in and we sit down and his living room.

"You have a beautiful voice " I started laughing

"Thankyou " he gives me my cup of wine I stand and I look around his place

"You have a beautiful place , you don't feel lonely been is this huge house "

I cover my mouth

"I'm sorry " he looks at me

"Don't apologize I like your honesty , I haven't found the right woman for me yet " it hurt me when he said that who I'm I kidding why a man like him be with me with no future with a prostitud and a pole dancer .

"Is everything Bella you look upset " I look away

"I'm gonna go home " he walks behind me and turns me

"why are you walking away I'll drive you home it's late for woman like you to walk at night "

"No is okay i need the walk" I open his door and the air hit me I almost felt back and Damon gets me and carrys me bridal style he closes the door.

"You can stay here if you want to but your in no condition to walk let's go " he takes me to a room and I keep starin at him in the eyes . he lays me down in the bed and before he stands I grab his neck getting him to lean closer to me . I kiss him and I pulled him down in the bed next to me , we kiss and I wanted more . he kisses me back and he grabs my arm slowly putting it agains the bed he grabs my other arm and does the same he holds them and he stops kissing me and goes down my neck giving me butterfly kisses, it's sweet and romantic. I don't want this to stop and I relized it's not always about having sex is about making love .

In love with my boyfriend brotherWhere stories live. Discover now