Leaving Back Home

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I walk inside and i check my watch , 718 i walk straight to check the schedules

"Bella ?" I turn around runing towards me is Jacob, he picks me up as swings me around

"Bella omg I have miss you so much " he puts me to a hig and puts me down and kissed me . I pulled away

"Jacob I miss you so much , I pulled him to a tight hug , I really did missed him so much. Jacob grabs my hand and pulling me with him

"What time we are leave ?" he turn around

"In an hour , I'm starving will you join me and eat something at the deli " I nodded and walk with him . we walk up to the register a young lady was standing there

"How can I help you " she smiling at Jacob ignoring me

"Yes can I have a steak and cheese with veggies on a sub " she nodded

"Bella what would you like?" I look at the girl, her eyes still glue on Jacob

"can I have a turkey and cheese toasted with lettuce and mayo on the bread " she look at me and rolled her eye . She walk away to the back

"Did you saw that Jacob ?" He look at me

"Saw what " I smile at him and rolled my eyes I walk to the soda founting and I grab a medium cup an I grab Pepsi I put the lid on and I straw. I grab a large cup and pour diet Pepsi I grab another lid and a straw . I grab the large cup and handle it over to Jacob and I grab my soda and walk to the table and we sat down

"How's your job Bella ?" I look up at him , right I forgot that I left an Damon made sure everyone knew I left for a job

"It's really good " he pulled my hand to him

"What happen ? why did you called me crying" I look up at him I have always been honest with him but It has been to much to even to catch up and I don't want to lie

"Work was to much and I miss all you guys " he nodded and the lady with our orders came to our table

"Here's your order anything else " Jacob look at me

"Can you get me a slice of carot cake for my beatiful girlfriend " I look at the girl who just went in shocked it was funny ,she nodded after and walk away.

"Why you did that for ?" he took a sip of his drink

"Because she has to respect customers " I noded and I finish eating my sandwish . Pickles sounds really good now, I can't believed a lot of this had happen I lived with Damon about a month already and onces I'm home I'll tell my mom how I felt inlove with my boss she will help me what todo .

"Bella let's go " I nodded

"Wait can I get some pickles" looking back at Jacob , he nodded I went to the register and asked that girl who gave us out orders earlier

"Hi can I get a few pickles " she nodded she gave me a bag

"1$ please " I smile at her and grab a dollar bill

"Thankyou "I walk to Jacob and we got in line he pulls out his passport and tickets

"Here's yours "I nodded and smile at him he pulls out another passport and ticket ,we were next I gave the lady my passport and ticket I went tru the metal alarm I grab my bookbag and walk to the hall with Jacob behind me , we go in the stairs an we walk inside

"#35" I nodded and walk to the chair 35 he sits down next to me

"Im36 " he smirk and I layed my head in his shoulder

"Thankyou for coming for me and bringing my passport " he kissed me in my forehead

"How did you left without your passport ? " I close my eyes ready to sleep

"He has his own airplanes " I defenally am tired

"Bella " I open my eyes

"Yeah " I look up to see Jacob standing up and carring out bags

"We are here " I nodded and standup

"Wow that was fast "he laughs

"You felt sleep " I got my bag and following him down the stairs ,we walk the hall and then to the airport

"What time is it ?' he look down at his watch damn I must be that lazy good thing he knows me hahaha

"It's 1130pm " I noded I was planing to go he but I don't want to wake no one and since I don't have keys I'm preaty stuck I hope I can stay at Jacobs until the morning

"Hey your okay ?" I look up at Jacob and nodded my head

"Can I stay at your place i don't have my keys ?" he nodded and grab my hand we walk out and his car was park in the parking lot , we walk to his car and I felt kinda sick I pulled my hand away from him and i lean over i trew up. Omg it hurts I swipe my hand in my mouth I feel Jacob rubbing my back

"Hey your okay ? maybe is the climate " I nodded and walk to his car he opens the door and I sat in

"Here " he sits down next to me I grab the water bottle and i open it taking a sip

"Thanyou " Jacob drove me to his condo . He parks his car and we he out I grab my bag and follow him , he turns and grand my hand

"I know you don't want me to be your boyfriend , but let me help you" we went inside the elevator and went up to his place . Jacob opens his door and a lot of memories of us came in my mind I sigh why does it have to be complicate . Jacob lifts me up and carrys me bridal style it hold my arms around his neck

"I miss you so much "he looks at me in the eyes , and leans and kiss me on my forehead

"I have miss you to" he puts me down on his bed and takes of my shoes . I layed down and he grabs some blankets and puts them on me , I closed my eyes and felt so much tired out of nowhere

"Bella" I open my eyes Jacob had a tea cup in his hands

"here drinks this up and then sleep " I nodded and I grab the tea drinking it it was warm and good

"Thankyou " I finish the cup and put it in the nightstand next to the bed I turn around and went back to sleep , I turn and I blink my eyes adjusting the light . I was staring infront of me it was Jacob . I cup his face am played with his hair he is so beautiful , why did I meet Damon? why couldn't I just lived my life here, do I love Damon or just like him . I lean on Jacob and gaved him a kiss he respond me back and pulls away He opens his eyes

"Bella " I turn around and he put his arm aroud my waist giving me a hug

"I'm sorry Jacob" I started crying

"Don't worry Bella is okay " I turn around and look at him

"I don't know what I want I just know I that I don't want to lose you , when I'm with you i need you but when I'm with him I want him " he says up and pulls me to

"We need to talk take a shower and do why you have to do while I do breakfast " I nodded he kiss me on my forehead and walks out of the room leaving me alone. I walk out of bed an head to the bathroom

I wonder what's going to happen why is Bella so confused? . . Anyways Thankyou for reading and comment and like

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