Mistery guy

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Last night was sweet , after all the drama that happen. Jacob is now driving me to work so I can pick up my check , so tommorow we can go and have little shopping and get my mom something aswell I had called her last night and Aperantly she finally said yes to our new neighbor on a dinner . I have asked her if she wanted me to stop by to help cook dinner but she said that the men Eddie has been a chef his whole life and will cook diner for then Ofcourse Carmen the nurse will be there to help out.

"You want me to go in with you Bella " I unlock my seat belt .

"no babe it won't take long plus I have to talk to bob about something " I lean closer to him and I give him a kiss , I get out of the car and closed the door I walk in and Edward was there he let me in the security guy we have.

"How you been dulce feeling better?" dulce is my nick name at work .

"Kinda I still feel a little sick but I have to talk to bob and came to pick my check" he walk me to bobs office and then he left back to the front door. I knock the door twice.

"Come in" I walk in and bob is siting down on the table and he looks up at me and I can see he looks stress.

"Hey Bella how you feeling ? Feeling better " I look down at the table , I been screwing up at one of my classes and I came to see if I can take a week off , don't worry about paying me , and I feel a little better. He looks at me and he face turns serious , I'm freaking out because I have never been good with lying but I want to spend time with Jacob , I hope he doesn't remember that I have no school for 2 weeks.

"If I let you have you week off , can you cover Rose shift she called out today, just dance for 1 hr and you can leave , Nancy can't come till midnight" I'm gonna take it , I hope Jacob can wait for me or come pick me up since he drove me here.

"Yes I just have to tell my ride that I'm gonna work for an hr " I leave and I walk out I see Jacob on his phone playing with it , I open the door and I sat down.

"You ready babe let's go"

"Wait " I have to covers rose shift for an hr you think you can wait for me or pick me up ?" he looks at me.

"I have to go drop of my mom something she wanted from the store I'll be back for you in an hr .

"Okay love sounds good I lean and we kiss" I grab my purse and left back to my job. I go to my dresser room and I take a shower I get ready do my usual things I do before I go out . I walk out and the place is pack , not surprise since in a Thursday and most places are payday as well as mine . I walk to the bar and try to help before I go out there 3 of the other girls had to dance before I did. I'm wearing a black tight skirt and a black tanktop I'm wearing my black mask and some eyeliner and lipstick , can't wear a lot of makeup bc the mask covers almost my whole face. I grab a silver plate to carry the drinks.

"Dulce table 5 Thoes 5 shots and VIP section that scotch to table 2" I nod and left I drop the shots to the table it was 5 young guys they look around my age . I go up to the VIP section and I go to table 2 there was a men with a tux I can't see there face I walk up to the table and I see the men closer. His that guy I saw at the hotel me and Jacob stayed over when we left out of state, I can see him closer his eyes are green as a have seen then before he looks very attractive in a tux he looks at me and smiles i smile back .

"here's your scotch anything else sir ?" He smirks .

"Yes make me some company " I look at the bar and I sit down or a min ither way I had 30 min left , before I get all dress up dance an then leave good thing i texted Jacob I was gonna take a bit longer then 2 hrs.

"So what's your name , I have been here for a few days and haven't seen you before " I look at him I swear I can get lost in does eyes his eyes looks so dominant I don't knoe.

"My name is Dulce I have personal things I have to do I took of a a few days just covering someones shift and I have to leave" i look at the bar and it looks like it's steady every one has their drinks .

"I see dulce a beautiful woman like you is busy " he moves his hand and touches mine it felt a weird sensation but it felt nice , I move my hand and smile.

" I hope I see you around " I got up and started walking , some one grab my hand and I turn around .

"My name is Damon and Ofcourse I'll be around " he let's go and walks back to the table. I pulled my phone and check the te I had 15 min to get ready I walk to my hairdresser and open it I walk in and close the door , it looks it self . I change to a tong and a shorter black shirt I put on a black strapless that just covers my boobs , I spray on some rose oils all over my body. I put on my back high hills and spray water on my hair and then spray some gel on my hair I crunch my hair so it can look wet and curly. I put on my mask and I left they started playing my song I took a long breath and I walk out the curtains. I walk slowly and sexy up to the pole and I started moving slowing my hips , my song was soft rythom, I go up the pole I look up and see Damon , I got nervouse once I saw his eyes. It felt like his looking tru me . I look away and I got down the pole i finish dancing and I walk but before leaving I turn and see him one more time and he was smirking looking at me , with that I turn and left to my dresser. I took a Shower and I message Jacob I was ready , I dry my hair and put on sweatpants that are black and a pink hoodie . I got my check and I was waiting for Jacob to tell me what time he was gonna pick me up , never got a respond.

"Need a ride Dulce?" I turn around and is Damon Thankgod I still have my mask on, that's the rule we have at work he can't take of the mask until we feel safe to do so is so we can still have a life and people not judging us.

Jacob messages me saying that he has a flat tire .

"No thanks my ride is on their way " he gets his hand and starts getting closer I grab my mask.

"Don't worry I won't take your mask of but don't lie to me he grabs my face and I look up. !

"Are you lying to me" why is this guy getting me nervouse.

"my ride is late they have a flat tire but is okay I can wait here " I look down at my phone .

"Let's go I can drop you off anywhere "

He puts his hand down and I start waking I message Jacob telling him I have a ride and will meet him at the penthouse.

We walk out and be grabs my hand. I look at him.

"Is okay I don't bite, I don't want to lose you " i smirk.

"Sure "

In love with my boyfriend brotherWhere stories live. Discover now