The doctors news

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I open my eyes , trying to adjust the light I look around seeing Damon next to me holding my hands

"What going on?" I look at Damon he gives me a small smile

"The Medicen that they gave you with the i.v made you sleep " I nodded

"I feel better Thankyou for bringing me here " he leans down at me and stares at me with so much lust , he leans and kisses me on my forehead

"I'm glad they know what's wrong and we made it on time" im scared to know what's wrong with me , I never had a pain like the one I had today I look up at Damon

"Do you know why I felt that pain ?" He cross his arms on his chest

"No , they where waiting for you to wakeup " I nodded the nurse and doctor comes in side the room

"Hi Bella my name is Dr. Robison how your feeling ?" I smile at him

"Thankyou I feel so much better now" he picks up the chart that was attach to the bed

"Good I'm glad , can I have your age " I nodded

"I'm 18 did you figure out what's wrong with me doctor ? why I felt that pain ?" he looks up at me and smiles

"Congratulation Bella your pregnant " I felt like I couldn't breath i stand up . The doctor and nurse holds me down

"You can't moved that fast you almost had a miscarriage " I didn't wanted to hear I was to shock to notice what wa going on , he press a buttom on the bed

"I need 357 please " another nurse walks in and I look at Damon who is in shock aswell the nurse slams a needle in my arm and I felt so tired out of no where as I relax and closed my eyes

"Dr. Robison is she going to be okay ?" I try to open my tired eyes but they were to heavy so all I could do is lissing to what Damon was talking with the doctor

"She almost had a miscarriage she has to rest for a couple a days and take prenatal vitamins, she has to make an appointment with a doctor to keep in check with her baby congradulations "I open my eyes and look at Damon the doctor wasent with us anymore

"Damon " he walks getting closer to me

"How your feeling ?" I look at him

"I'm pregnant ?" he smiles and nodded his head

"You are , they brought you an untrasound but you were still sleeping they will bring it later " I nodded

"Damon I "

"shhhh relax I don't want you to stress about anything , you almost had a miscarriage " I closed my eye and a tear felt down , God whose my baby's father

I felt a sleep i open my eyes and I see Damon on the sofa sleeping he look do tire he has black bags under his eyes I guess this baby will make me choose my baby daddy when should I tell Jacob omg Jacob

"Damon " I whisper his name he opens his eyes and walks to me

"Can I used your phone " he nodded and gave me his phone and then walk out of the room giving me privacy . I honestly don't want Jacob to meet Damon right now I dial his number and it rang twice before he pick up

"Jacob speaking "

"Jacob " I look at my arm where the neddle that the nurse put on for the i.v and Medicen it was bruise

"Omg Bella what the hell it been 3 days I haven't heard of you , you said you were going for a run " omg I been 3 days out already

"Jacob I needed time I'm sorry I didn't had a phone with me mines felt on the floor making it crack " I hate lying to him but I can't tell him yet that I'm pregnant

"Jacob I have to go but I promised I'll see you soon okay "

"Okay " I Hangup and the doctor walk in with Damon behind him

"Feeling better Bella " I nodded

"I'm sorry" he smile

"Is okay , we have a picture from your ultrasound want to see it " I nodded and he walk closer giving me a picture paper I look at it he sits down on the bed

"Your 3 weeks and 2 days " I look at him I'm just 3 weeks Damon , I look at Damon and he goes back in shock

"My baby is 3 weeks and 2 days , when did I got pregnant?" he gets a paper and a pen out of his pocket he looks down to me

"When did your period ended " I look at Damon how long has it been I been with Damon

"A week before I left to Cali" I was still staring at Damon

"Damon when did we left ?" he walks closer to me

"April 31 " the doctor writes down the date

"You got pregnant around the 2nd and 5 of May " I look back at Damon

"Incase if your not sure they do dna downstairs but you will have to wait till your atleast 5 months " I shocked my head

"I know whose the father " the doctor gets of the bed and looks at me

"Congrats I'll bring he paper work and then you can leave " I nodded still looking at Damon . The doctors walk out of the room

"Damon Ithink your the father " he leans down at me and sits down

"You would have lost the baby because of me"

"No Damon I was runing and I shouldn't , how did I not notice I missed my period " he leans and kiss me on my lips

"Are you happy is mines " he noded

"I'm shoke but I'm happy I love you Bella "

"I love you too " he stands up and the Doctor walks in giving me the discharge paper

"I already told your husband what you need and should do " I nodded

"Thankyou " he smiles

"You can leave when ever your ready " the doctors leave and I stand up out of the bed and Damon's pulls me

"Slowly baby " I nodded damon help me put my cloths on. We left the hospital and Damon payed the medical bills we are now on our way to my moms house I want her to meet him even Thoe he said he is not dress appropriate blah blah blah hahahha . anyways his gonna make sure I make it safe home and his gonna go get ready and meet me in an hour . I'm gonna get ready aswell and I'll tell my mom to get ready so we can go eat lunch , now I remember why I wanted pickles so much at the airline

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