Dinner and a special guest

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I been wanted pasta forever , I never had the time to go to a fancy restaurant so now I'm here having a bubble bath with a few candles around the tub and my phone playing Ariana Grande songs. I still had 2 hrs to get ready and since Jacob went out to go see his mom that she needed something from him. I have our penthouse for myself I felt like I was someone powerful it felt nice to play the role for a second at least. My phone stops playing the song that was on and starts ringing I lean closer to grab my phone "hello"

"Bella I haven't heard of you for 2 days what's going on I thought we were closed" I sit down and I grab the magenta towel that was laying under neat my phone and I put it behind my head. "Mom I'm so sorry I been with Jacob hanging out is everything okay, if not ill grab my stuff and run back home". "No everything is find Bella I just haven't heard anything from you, you worry me baby"

"I'm sorry mom didn't wanted to worry you I just lost track being with Jacob it feels nice spending time with him"

"That's find sweetie I'm happy you're happy and finally spending time with your friends I'm going to go sleep now have fun baby and be careful okay have a goodnight"

"Thank you mom you too have a goodnight I'll see you tomorrow and I love you"

"I love you too"

I check my phone its 645 I got and 1hr and 15 min to get ready I put down my phone and play Pandora again, I grab a towel and wrap it around me I sit down on the edge of the tub and I grab a razor and shave real quick my legs, I go to Jacobs and I room and grab my under wear after putting my bra and panty on. I put the towel in my head covering my hair I grab some lotion and put it around my body, I grab this dress that Jacob got me earlier in the mall is black and its tight around my body and I put on my beige high hills on, I grab a golden neckles and a bracelet with my gold watch. I sit down I pulled off the towel of my head and shake my long hair, I walk to the bathroom and grab the hair dryer I blow dry my hair and curl the bottoms layers. I hear the door open and I walk to the hallway.

"Well hello beautiful" I smile and I walk up to Jacob his wearing a black tux he looks so cute. "we still got 30 min you want to do something before we get there I don't know maybe have some hot make out sex" smiling at me "hahaha very funny Jacob I still have to do my makeup by the time I'm done with my makeup we will have 5 min to get there be right back. I walk to the bathroom I sit down in front the mirror. I put on some light coverage and I did a light Smokey eye with wink eyeliner, I grab some brush and out it on and a rose Mac lipstick and finally I grab my favor perfume and my gold earrings that came with the neckles. I grab my phone and check the time we had exactly 8 min to get there I gave myself a clap on my shoulder nice job Bella.

We got at the restaurant exactly 2 min despare, we sat down and Jacob order some wine, I order chicken alfredo and Jacob order steak we are eating and having some fun joking around and talking about school. Jacob grabs my hand and gives it a kiss. "You don't know how lucky I feel to have you by my side Bella you're my everything and I love you so much" He looks at me with so much lust I never notice how his eye shine and how happy he is. "Jacob I can't believed we are together and I don't have to share you with no one I'm happy I'm with you and I hope you won't ever hurt me I don't want to lose you" he grabs his wine and gives me mines.

"cheeres to new beginnings to us we are going to graduate from school and be doctors together cheers to being happy and accomplish everything in life and to have our family much more years to cheer us on life" we both take a sip of our wine . Jacobs smile

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