"Is beautiful"

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"Before we go to the mall , I would like to make a stop" I nodded as we made stop at the red light , I look out the window and back in front as the car started moving

"So where are we going to make a stop?" he turn around and pulls his phone out and looks back on the road

"Are you exited we are having a girl?" he laugh

"Ofcourse Baby , I'm happy we are having a girl " I look at him and back at the road I was getting kinda sleepy

"Are we going to take long I'm kinda tired, I shouldn't ated everything I had order" I lean down on the glass and closed my eyes

"Baby wakeup " I open my eyes slowly , sitting up and looking around I see nothing but grass and tress. I turn to my left and I see Damon on his phone

"We are here" I nodded still confused

"Why are we here Damon?" he look at me and gets out of the car as he walks around and opens my door and holds his hand out

"I told you love is a surprise" I rgan his hands and I stand up getting out of the car , Damon closes the car door

"I want to show you something" he looks at me as we start walking

"Okay" I hold his hand as we walk straight , passing the bushes and trees there was a entrance with white rock shapes on the ground . We walk stepping the beautiful white rock shapes

"Look straight baby" I look up straight seeing a light cream big house , it look like a princes house , it was 2 floor house it haves large windows on each side of a black door , there was flowers bushes next to each other on the walls

"I beautiful" I look back at Damon , I current describe how beatiful the house is

"You love it then" I nodded

"Ofcourse I do is preciouse" I look back at the house

"Good because is our new house , I just sign the papers this morning"

"What" Damon's grabs his pocket with his right hand and pulls out a key and hands them to me, I smack him on his shoulder and grab the key

"I can't believed this" I stand infront of him and lean down to hug him

"I love you so much but I have to asked you something , you don't like my house?"

"Ofcourse I love your house baby I'm living with you I just want us to have a bigger house where our kids will have their our rooms and we can have your mom living with us with Nadia , or what ever you want baby I just want to provide you a place were we are going to live peacefully with our family , I want us to start fresh as a family and maybe if I get lucky as husband and wife" I nodded and kiss him as we hug afterwards

"I love you baby" I feel his arm on my back

"I love you too. Now Mrs.Somerhalder would you like a tour" I nodded as we started walking towards our new house, I look down as we take each step to our new house , I lock the key in as I turn the key as I push the door to open

The entrance was huge a lot of space ,, Damon grabs my hand as we walk inside closing the door

"Baby imagine that the walls have pictures of us and of out family" i nodded as I pictured it we walk to an entrance on the right

"This is going to be our dinning room love, do you love it so far?" I nodded

"This is a beautiful house Damon I can't believed we are going to live here"

"Want to go see the babies room" I look at him

"The babies room?" he nodded leans down and kisses my forehead

"How many rooms we have for our babies damon?" this house is huge , maybe Damon wants 15 kids . omg what if he want a lot of kids, is it possible I can push many kids out . what if my

"Babe " I look at Damon

"Let's go " I nodded we walk up the stairs

"Did I scared you?" I look at him as we reach the second floor he has a smirk on his face , I look around as I stair at at the long hall way

"Let's go to the righ baby" I nodded as we headed to the first door on the right , the hallway is long I can't imagine how big the room are. Damon open the door as we walk in I was amazed it was twice as big as my room there was two closets door and two doors. I walk towards the closet door and slide them as I look inside the closet as is a walking, is big as a bathroom size can be

"I love it" I turn as I look at Damon

"This is real?" he nodded

"As real as our love is" Damon gets closer as I wrap my arms around his neck

"I love you Bella so much" I kiss him with my all, as he returns the kiss with love, he pulls away from my lips

"This is our bedroom" I turn and look around

"Are you saying this in some particular way" he leans down on my ears

"You know it baby" as he whispers I felt gusbumbs all around my body ,

"let's go to the guest room " I look at him as we walk out of our future bedroom . We past 4 doors as we reach I'm guessing to the guest room , Damon opens the door as we go in , I notice the guest room was already decor with a king size bed there was a sofa next to the right wall and a white woredrow infront of the bed against the wall

"Baby" hmmmm he stands behind me as he wraps my arms around my waist, and starts kissing my neck as I lean more two the right. I turn around as I unbutton his belt and removed the zipper letting his pants fall down. He lays down on the white snow rug as I sit on him removing my panties on the side and letting his huge penis out of his boxers as I lay on him a moan escaped . I started moving back and forth as i can feel wetness inside if me consuming me

"Baby I'm gonna cum" Damon grabs me on my ass as he starts rubbing an slamming harder , he says up as he kissing me an starts playing with my breast . removing each string of my dress and unstring my bray breast went lose, he gets closer to my right breast as he starts sucking I start cumming.

Sex is all I can think ever since I became pregnant


I put back my dress as Damon buttons his pants

"Your okay baby" I nodded and turn around to look at him

"Never felt better" I walk to him and kiss him as we walk out of the guest room

"Want to see out futures babies room?" I nodded and we headed to the third room it's a big room but smaller than the guest room and mines and Damon's room, we went to the fourt room same side and was connected to the others babies room

"I would want two babies and of god gifts us with more I would be happy as well" I look at him

"Two is perfect baby" I kiss him as we saw two others room, our new home has 6 rooms and in each room had a bathroom accept the babies room since there room is connected they would share the bathroom together

this is going to be our new house i can't wait till my mom and Nadia see the house

"Damon" he turns around as I look at him

"They are going to moved in with us if they would like" I nodded and smile at him

"Thankyou baby, I love you"

Thankyou so much for reading my story , please comment and like Thankyou

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