Leo is leaving again

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Leo lays me down on the bed with him on top of me, he leans down and gives me butterfly kisses going down my neck to my breast, Leo pulls away and looks down at me

“I just order food” I look at him a bit confuse, we haven’t had sex for two weeks and for him is not normal I ignored it and sat next to him. Within 5 minutes we heard a knock leo grabs his wallet out opening the door, Edward was standing with a bag , leo gives Edward the money and he closes the door. Leo walks in with a cheesy smile on his face he puts the bag down on the bed , he pulls out 3 containers of Chinese box and 3 forks , hot sauce packages and 2 plastic plates, 2 ice teas drinks

“Here I order fried rice, lumen and rib tips” he gives me a plate and he opens the containers he pour some of each in his plate

“Your so exited right now like a little kid who won a lollipop” he laughs and I smile while getting some rice and lo mien in my plate, I grab a fork and I started eating my dinner. I see Leo and gets up still holding his plate walking towards me; he sits down in front of me

“Dulce I miss you so much , I haven’t seen you for two week I was going crazy in Colorado” I look at him , his so fucking with me he kept eating his food

“I just came to new York an hour ago “I look at him and he came to see me im going to asked him

“I’m I special to you” he puts down his plate and pulls the plate out of my hands and to the bed then he grabs my hands to his

“Your more than special to me Dulce I wish I can see you out of this place” I gave him a small smile

“I have to leave for another three weeks Dulce I just came to see you because I missed you so much” I look at him we finish eating and we threw back the left over’s in the bag that came the food with .

Leo pulls me in to a kiss and he carries me and lays me down on the bed and he lays next to me and holds my hand to him. He pulls me closer to him and he kisses me my forehead my head was on his arm, I felt asleep with him next to me

“Dulce wakeup” I open my eyes and I saw Leo putting on his jacket

“ The place is about to closed we over sleep” I nodded and I got out of the bed I touch my face to scratch my eye and I realized I still had my mask on . Leo pulls me to face him

“Ill see you in three weeks “I nodded and he kissed my lips it was a sweet kiss. We walk out of the room and Leo walk the same hall way as I but he made a right to the exit door and I did I left to my room, I walk inside my room, I check my phone it was 310am already usually we closed at 4 but when a customer wants a private show they closed at 3am for that section usually to get ready and the maid goes inside and cleans the room for the next day. I went inside my bathroom and I turn on the water , I lean and touched the water , I like the temperature I strip down and I went inside the shower I got my body wash and wash my whole body so it won’t be oily. I wash my hair with my favorite shampoo herbal essence

I can’t believe I won’t see Leo till 3 weeks, I mean it was nice seeing him but I don’t know. I ask myself if I like him for him or is it because Leo been the only guy that I done things like sleeping with him eating, cuddle. I usually seeing couples doing that and I been with Leo for two years, maybe I should date someone, but where do I start

I finish showering and dress back to my black sweatpants with the tank top I had before I came I put back on my mask and my favorite hoodie. I walk out of the club with Edward by my side

“ready “ I nodded we walk out of the club as he goes with me to my car there was still 3 costumers and Leo was next to my car

“Thank you Edward I see you Monday “he nodded and walk away

“You’re so pretty, you know that right? I smile at him

“Have a safe trip “he pulls me to a hug and he kissed me on my forehead

“Ill see you soon okay “ I nodded , I unlock Sandy’s car and Leo opens my door letting me sit inside , he smile at me and closes my door I started my car as Leo walks back to his car . I always go to this coffee shop and spend half an hour there; no matter how tired I am I have to do it because I don’t want any one follows me. I grab my bag and went inside with my mask still on.  The guys in the coffee shop know me and my little secret. I go to the bathroom and I pulled out my leggings with have shoulder white shirt that had a minie mouse design I pulled out my black flats. I trip down and changed my cloths I put my sweatpants and hoddie inside my bag with my sneakers. I walk out of the bathroom headed to where Sandy was

“Thank you “we switch car keys I grab the coffee Sandy made

“Leo came to see me and it was the weirdest thing we ate dinner and then he hugs me and I felt asleep next to him , I think I should start dating I don’t want to get to attached to him” I took a sip of my coffee , I love coffee it never fails me plus is amazing

“What about Jacob” I look at her and she has a smirk in her face

“No he’s my best friend plus he doesn’t see me that way “I smile at her and I grab my coffee

“I have to go home, have a goodnight I’ll see you Monday “I walk out of the coffee shop I had my glasses I unlock my car, I open the door and sat down as I started my car in turn my heater on

“Is cold” I rub my hands together

“of course is cold its 4 in the morning’ I yelled as loud as I could

“Calm down Bella? I turn around I had my arm in my chest were my heart was beating really fast

“What the fuck Jacob you scared the shit out of me” I touch my head as I closed my eyes trying to calm myself,  

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