Picking up Jacob before heading to school

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Bella is 18, living with her mother who had an accident two years ago, and that accident let Bella's mother Kathy in a wheel chair. Kathy losses her job and loses hope as she knows that she can't take care of her daughter and her self anymore. Kathy's doctors sat down with Bella to talk about her mother's health, they told her that she wouldn't be able to walk and that they believed putting Kathy on a delicate surgery have better chances for Kathy to walk, of course a surgery as delicate as the one that Kathy needs have chances that may work or not, plus it would be a lot of money. Bella found a couple jobs, she had up to 3 jobs but they were all part time since she's only 16 and legally she can only work 15 hours a week, two weeks after Kathy was discharge from the hospital , Bella received a letter saying that Kathy's job , denied Kathy for her compensation. That night when Kathy felt asleep ,Bella went to a place where she knew she would make money ,she put her headphones on and played her favorite station Ariana Grande, and walk until she found the place that she search online it wasn't her first option but she didn't care anymore, she stops and looks at her right and saw this huge 2 level building had lights on and there where a man standing at the door, she pulled her phone out and pulled her headphones away from her ears. Bella checks the time It was 630. I cross the street and walk up the building, outside the building had a sign in lights "Dolls House Club", she walks in and the guy at the door, smiles at her letting her walk thru the door she walks in thru the hall way and found this guy who was kind of tall and slim blond curly hair with a tux on, she spoke to him, he was the owner, they walk thru the hallway till they walk in his office she told him everything while crying. He knows she's underage but she did had a good body and since they have really good privacy he gave her the job , she started in two days and before she left he gave her one thousand dollars so she can buy clothes to wear and so she can pay her rent and food. Ofcourse the money he gave her she would pay back working and he made her sign a contract before she would work there. A lot of things had happen in Bella's life and two years have pass now she's 18 and in college, she still works at the club and makes good money. She meet Jacob in college that she goes to, they became good friends , Jacob is her only friend and he know about her mom and job , Jacob loves Bella more than a friend , but haven't had courage to tell Bella , because Bella doesn't have time and doesn't want to get hurt. Every night Bella works at night and Monday -Saturday she goes to school. One night when Bella worked she saw this mysterious guy and he kept going often night by night , she felt attractive to him but ignored since , a guy like that just comes to a club to have a goodtime .Jacob finally asked Bella and she said yes finally when she seems everything is falling back to place Ian the guy that comes at her job talks to her and she feels good being with him. Bella had cry, had smile had gotten hurt and much more this is her story of how she felt in love with her boyfriend's brother

The alarm when off at 630 I sat down on the bed with my eyes still close, I slap my alarm clock and it was off I yawn and stretch  my arms, I open my eyes as the light of the sun hits my face , I got out of bed and walk to my bathroom I lean on the tub turning the water on I stand back and I turn around to the mirror, and I saw my reflection I had black bags under my eyes , I still had my makeup from last night, I go inside my tub and I let the water run on my body and hair I lean down at the wall and while I'm massaging my hair. I'm closing my eyes little by little, I let the hot water run on my body, before grabbing my shampoo. The door knocks

"Bella your running late and breakfast it's ready"

"I will be out in 5 Nadia thank you"  I wash my hair, and then I rinsed my hair I turn off the water grabbing my towel and wrapping my body with it, I got out of the tub, and then walk out of my bathroom towards my room. I walk to my walking closet searching for something to wear, I saw this beautiful summer flower dress, it had spaghetti stripes and it was tight around the breast and it was lose from the line waist, it was white with blue huge flowers design, I pulled out my blue sandals that will match with my dress, I put on my underwear in my closet then I walk out grabbing my lotion from baths and body works it was flower peas it smell so good. I rub it around my body then I walk and did my makeup grabbing light blue eye shadow to match my dress, I grab my black eyeliner to line my lashes , then I grab canceller to put under my eyes so I can hide my black bags I grab my mascara and put a couple coats on, I grab my nude pink lipstick and put it on my lips I grab my hair and put it on a messy bun , holding it with one hand I grab a few bob pins to secure my bun letting go of my hand, I walk grabing my wrist bracelets then my favorite hoops putting them in my ears I grab my perfume and spray some on my wrist and behind my ears and on my neck, I grab my book bag and my phone I had 45 min before my class started, I walk out of my room and went down the stairs.

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