Making love

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Right after we finish eating i drop of Jacob and im now im onmy way home i promised Jacob i would hang out with him tommorow. i parked my car and i got out locking my car and walk ome, i check my phone it was 530 in the morning, 

"well this sucks" i walk in and headed to my room i didnt even took of my cloths i knock out like that

i hear my phone ringing what now i pick it up with out looking 


"bella is 5pm and we were suppost to go out"' 

"what " i yelled shit 

"hold on okay" i ran down the stairs 

"mom" no one responds i walk to the kitchen with the phone in my ear there was a note on the table

'hi baby i decided to go out woth Nadie , will go together some other day, enjoy your day kathy' i walk back upstairs 

'my mom left with out me " let me take a shower and get ready" i hung up i didnt what ineeded to doi meet jacob at his house we switch cars so now he was driven it was already 7pn. we arrived to the place and Jacobg helps me get out we were infront of a building 

"close youe eyes" i closed them and hewraps my eyes witha cloth  we walk and i hear something beep, wewalk straight Jacob pulled the cloth out of my eyes 

"you can open them" i open my eyes and wow 

I look at him surprise , no one has ever done something romantic like this .

"Jacob I'm wow it's beautiful !" i look at Jacob i want to  cry

 "i want you to be happy" he grabs my hand and starts walking towards a white door, he opens it and there's a huge jacuzzi with roses pedals in there a a bucket with champagne cover with ice he goes around the jacuzzi and turn the water runing , he walks towards me he raises his right hand and grabs my face slowly and I closed my eyes tryin to touch me like I was fragile with his left hand he touches my hip and he slowing going down with his right hand and grabs the button of my blue shirt he pulles it up and takes it of me he unbuckle my skirt and it's falls on the floor. Now I'm there with my my bra on and my pantys

 "Yours so beautiful Bella " touching my skin I look at him and I kiss him while I'm kissing him I'm unzipping his pants they fall down I kiss his neck and his boner it's getting bigger I pull away from the kiss I pulled his shirt up and he helps me gets it off . He gets my left arm and pulls it to his bulge

 "Bella I been wishing this day for ever he grabs me by my legs and he pulls be up I wrap my legs around his waist he pulls my bra off And with his right hand his massaging one of my breast he pinch it's a little and I let a little moan out he puts me down and goes around the jacuzzi tub and turns the water off he touches the water and smiles at me .

" the water it's warm want to come in with me ?" I smile at him and I walk towards him he pulls off my panty and now I'm naked he takes his boxer off and helps me go in the tub with him.

"You want the water warmer or is this okay?. holyshit Jacob is nervouse, I go sit next to him and I start kissising him. Jacob pulls me to him and I slide right in to his arms .

"he leans down and continues kissing mehe kiss closer to my breast . a moancame out he keeps moaning too and were there and he keeps going he gets up and carrys me . he starts kissing my neck and I'm moaning loving every second of this he puts me down slowly in the bed , and his now on top of me he's going inside me slowly like if it was my first time, or atleast like my first time his holding my hand while his going in and out of me I'm moaning louder and louder feeling him breaking me inside It feels like I'm losing my virginity again .His going faster and faster. "Bella you feel so good " whispering in my ear i let go another moan after moan .

"Baby you want me to go faster?" i noded and Jacob moved faster  I'm moaning like crazy he pulls me up and we flip and now I'm sitting on him. His moving my hips and I feel like his dick is going more inside me, Jacob I'm gettin closer to and he bangs inside me harder and harder I'm getting wet, fuck i realize were no using protection. Jacob! We don't have a condom. "

"dont worry i wont come inside" His going faster and faster inside me I feel like I can't breath so I'm just going to enjoy myself ,  yeah I feel like I was going to explode Jacob pulls away and he pushes me on my back and he opens my legs and kissin my iner and now his eating me sucking and licking, a moaning louder and louder and while his eating me he goes inside me with one finger .

"Jacob" i came and then he pulles me in to his arms i felt asleep after in the arms of my best friend

In love with my boyfriend brotherWhere stories live. Discover now