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"Bella wakeup " I shrug

"Baby let's go " I open my eyes and is Damon

"Hey baby " he smiles

"Go get ready while I take a few things to the car " I noded he leans down and gives me a kiss he pulles away and pulled him back to me kissing him again I let him go

"Go do what you have to do Bella , we leave in 40 minutes " I noded and i got up I went to take a shower, i didnt wash my hair since i washed it before, and believed me or not but your curls would look way better with your hair dirty, plus I wouldn't have time to blow dry my hai and style it since I only have 40 minutes . I had my underwear on already I grab some black shorts an a white blaouse , I turn on my curling wand I did my makeup natural onces my wand was hot, instarted curling my hair away I love my hair is long and in layers is looks very prety with my hair curl . I put on white hills to match my blaouse . I put on some perfume and I walked to Damon's car I hear some one whisel I turn looking at Damon

"Hello beautiful" I smile at him and gave him a kiss

"I sure can get used to this " I blush with his comment

"I wanted to dress casual like you do " he hugs me

"You don't have to do that , your always beautiful with what ever your on lets go my beautiful lady. Mark is waiting on us "I noded he opens the car door for me I sit down and he goes around the car and sits down and we drove away . We arrive where Damon had his airline planes he had a small plane and a big plane ,we went to the small one which is good because I'm afraid of hights and airplane , so many things you see in the news got me traumatized, we got inside and they have breakfast ready

"I think you look scared " I turn and look at Damon

"Yes i kinda am" being honest I'm scared for my life hahahha I kept walking since his pushing me inside

"Don't worry about it just think that we are at a restaurant eating breakfast " and I did as he said and it was true 3 hrs later we arrived finish eating breakfast and relaxing with Damon watching a movie, I turn and look at him and he was still on his phone

"Damon " he turn around putting his phone back at his pants pocket

"Yes Bella ?" looking back at the tv

"What are you doin with your phone ?" he takes out his phone from his back pocket giving it to me

"Here I'm checking paper work from the company " I shook my head

"Is okay I was just wondering I'm sorry I asked " he looks down at his phone , I look at his phone an I see he turns it off

"I'm sorry let's go have fun okay " I nodded, I'm glad he out it off I want to spend time with him but I don't want to sound like does girls that don't let their boyfriend breath

"Are you mad Damon ?" he shock his hand he grab my hand and got up

"No , let's go we are here " I noded and walk out with him holding hands I smile at Damon and he leans down kissing me on the cheek we walk down the stairs and there was a car Parked , the plane drive Mark handed Damon some keys

"Thankyou Mark I'll see you in a few hours " mark nodded and we left to the car Damon opens my door and I sit down he walks around and goes inside he sits down and we drove away , the car was silence and I felt akward I think his mad even Thoe he said he wasn't I turn the radio and the song baby I by ariana grande started playing I sang out loud dancing in my seat I turn around and look at Damon he was laughing

"Yay I made you laugh" he looks at me and stops the car I stop singing and I look at him he pulls me in to a kiss he kiss me and then he stops I look at him in confusion

In love with my boyfriend brotherWhere stories live. Discover now