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We left from Denny's and now were driven to Connecticut it's like 3 hrs away from newyork where I lived . "Any type of music you want to lissing to" looking at me and staring back to the road "can I connect my iphone to the car stereo" he nods his head and I connect my iphone I start playing pandora Beyoncé station . I look at him want to play 10 question with a smile on my face . "Sure hit me "I laugh at the way he said it .

"Ummmmm how you ever been In love ?" "No I haven't Bella "

"When you first saw me Bella what you thought of me ". I look down at my hands , "I thought you were hot like a bad boy" "Mmmm gears what I thought smiling at him self I hit him in his arm .

"What you thought of me when you saw me Jacob" He smiles and look at me and back to the road " easy I thought you are the most beautiful woman I have laid my eyes on, I knew I had to know you , he looks at me and back at the road your so cute when you blush" I hit him againg in his arm , "hahaha very funny Jacob " shaking my head,

You want to play ruff let's play ruff , who did you lost your virginity to ?

"I lost it to you Bella " what no you didn't Jacob ! "Yeah I did " that can't be true you had experience no that can't be true , "and why is that Bella " because you did things like your were a pro , "Bella I swear to everything I lost it to you , I wanted yo make it special and I have seen porns before, I always have promised my self that I will lost it to you " you can closed your mouth Bella I knoe I'm old but I waited so it can be special"

"Now is my turn "what's your favorite holiday " is Christmas and yours Jacob ? Mines is thanksgiving . I can eat everything I want and not worry about gaining weight ,

But you do work out right ? How can you eat so much and still have muscles . "Ofcourse I do babe I work out I just don't update Facebook everytime I do hahHh "

How about you baby you work out ? want to know a secret Jacob , I don't work out I love to dance I dance my butt off when I clean my room hahahha"

"We are here Bella " we parked the car and he gets out he opens my door and he helps me stand up , he pulled me closed to him and gave me a sweet kiss.

"Are you okay baby , your to quiet " I have him a small smile and shook my face , I pushed him on the side and started walking , I can't tell him I feel bad of what had happen earlier at Denny's , I get pulled back and he carrys me as a bridal and sits me on the trunk , he grabs my face and gives me a deep romantic kiss then he pulls away leaving me wanting more he looks in to my eyes "don't ever lie to me bella" grabs my hand and pulls me down the ground he starts walking And now I'm walking next to him still holding his hand. What was that Jacob ? I'm trying to look at his face and now his walking faster, I'm trying to catch up to him and he let's go my hand I stop trying to relized what just happen , he turns and stand infront of me looking so serious. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Why are you mad Jacob , what did I do ? , "you don't get it Bella you think this is a game " , walking closer to me what are you talking about Jacob your the one who is acting weird " I said while taking a step back "are you not happy with me Bella just say it " walking closer to me scarying me with does mean eyes " what the hell are you talking about Jacob , I'm happy if I wasn't happy I wouldn't be wasting our time " I stop looking at him in the eyes and I started walking I passed by him pushed him on the side I started Walking fast and a tear felt down on my shirt what the hell just happen . I felt something graving my arm "what the hell" . .

"I'm sorry for hurting you please talk to me" I'm looking at the ground, touching my arm where he grab my arm hard. "What you want me to tell you Jacob what!" "I'm sorry Bella I just saw the way I looked at you I want to be the only one lookin at you " I look up at him and his eyes are watery his about to cry , I grab his arm"hey Jacob I'm yours and there is always gonna be some one looking at me , even at you and I will have to control my temper and not punch everyone in the face " he started laughing and I love his smile I felt better. he grabs my hair and pulls me closer to him , he kiss me and I wanted more so I pulled his button lips as we pulled apart . "You like it ruff baby" I smile at the way he said it to me , I love him . "I don't knoe baby " I wink at him walking away , I feel his hand on mine , we walk to the mall holding hands together and I felt nice .

"Your hungry babe ?" Looking at me in the car , "yeah I'm hungry but we have to go back home , I work tonight " I can tell he is upset . "Would you be mad if I visit you while your at work " Looking at me all serious è , what can I tell him is i say yes him seeing me would be upset knowing what I do and men's give me money but if I say no his gonna feel bad and think wrong I knoe cu that's how I feel , fml. "Babe if you feel conftable going go , cuz I love you " leaning down to kiss him . "I love you too , and is okay Idont think I can go on does places I will beat everyone including your boss " we both starting laughing ".

"Thanks for everything babe I had fun , I can't believed we got so much stuff your apartment is going to look so good ". "You mean our apartment Bella is ours" I step down a step and have him a kiss and he gives me a hug . "How much time you have before you leave babe " I looked down on my watch "about 3 hrs babe" he smilesoand gives me a kiss, he push me back to the elevater it openes and his giving me a sweet kiss , I didn't notice we went up to his apartment again , he opens the door and carrys me my legs are around his hips , were making out and he puts me down to his bed . We made love , then I was to tired to go to work . I grab my phone and I look at him . "Is everything okay baby?" I lean down and gave him a kiss yeah I'm gonna go to the bathroom , I take my phone with me . I closed the door and I called bob " "what happen now Bella " "hey bob I'm sick , I'm talking off today " I can hear him sigh , "whats wrong " I have a virus I don't feel good " I'm so nervous è. "Okay Bella take a few days off let me know when you feel better to come back" Thankgod . "Thankyou bob see you soon " I walk out of the bathroom holding my phone and walking to Jacob with a smile on my face . I go and lay down with my babe , he hugs me and pulls me closer to him this felt so good , I feel like my eyes are closing and then I pass out to a really good dream . i feel like I'm shaking amd I can hear a whisper "baby wakeup , wakeup baby your going to be late we both knelt a sleep" I open my eyes a little but trying to I adjust the light "yeah" Jacob is right on my face so cute "we felt a sleep baby is 9pm already your really late for work" i look at his worry face "baby I'm taking off tonight hug me "you sure Bella or you were dreaming you never take off " I feel my eyes close again it feels good. "Yeah baby I took it off I got food poisoning " ."what let's go to the hospital " pulling me ou of the bed carrying me bridal style. "baby order food I'm hungry , and I'm not sick that was my excuse for calling out I want to be with you " he hugs me closer to him I open my eyes and he's has a smile on his face .

In love with my boyfriend brotherWhere stories live. Discover now