It feel like we are a family again

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"This is soo good” My mom and everyone laughs as I desavour my chicken lo main with a lot of hot souce in it. I saw Nadia as she was smiling so hard I can feel her pain of jaw in me, I haven't told her yet about me having a baby and Nadia been a second mother to me. I look at Damon who is laughing so hard as my mother told him what happen to me at a dance rehersal when I was 14 years old. I guess its funny now but it was defenally embarassed back then. It was a trial day they needed 2 girls and a boy and I have always seen on movies how girls would dress up , they would be wearing a belly shirt with short shorts and they would be wearning high knee socks with flat shoes I dress the same cloths I saw on this magazine I felt in love with, I did two braids on my hair and I put on some hoops. Thinking I was feeling good my self , my mother took the day off to go cheer me, I have practice chegography for the song Diva by Beyonce I have pratice more then hundred times infront of my wall mirror . I was walking out of the car feeling a lot of nervouse I thought I was going to trow up or faint any time soon, this two girls were laughing passing by next to me i look at there outfits how they are very diffrent then mines one was dress up with grat sweatpants and a white lose shirt and the other girl was wearing short blue shorts with a black tank top. Me and my mother walk inside the gym only half of the seats i wasen't sure if we were the last one to come inside the gym room but once the door closed behind us it slam so loud everyone turn and look at us they all started laughin my mom grab  my hand and we walk closer to the bleashers to sit down. after and half an hour they call my name i stud up and went in the middle of the floor my song started to play and i dance my heart out, after i finish some one yelled for a good dancer she needs help picking her cloths out. i felt my cheeks hot i felt like i current breath everyone started laughing. i was choosen as one of the dancers but the leader told me to dress up better for the crew.


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