I kiss jacob

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I get out of the shower feeling great , I feel relax I walk I the woredrow and headed to the bed I grab my lotion and put it around my body I grab clean underwear and put it on grabbing my navy blue sweet pants and a white tanktop I put on my slippers and headed to the kitchen . I walk inside and saw ian shirtless as always with black sweatpants he turns around and out on the plates on the table

"Lazy day ?" I smile at him and nodded "i think I'll go home tommorow I just want to spend time with you if you can , I don't know if you have to go to your family business " he shock his head and sat down on the table I sat down with him and we started eating pancakes and scrabble eggs with bacon

"No the business is on hold it been for 3 weeks already " I look at him wow Damon also haven't been workin on hi bursiness that long even abit longer

"Do you hate me ?" He put down his coffee mug

"No Bella , you broke me heart but I will never hate you " I look down at my plate I broke Jacobs heart

"I never wanted that , I never knew all this will happen I love you but "

"You love him more " I look up at him

"I'm confused honestly " he puts down his fork

"I want you to be happy Bella and I will always be here for you but if you choose him , I can't be with you it hurts to even picturing you with another man " i put my hands in my face , I cry I cry I out and I couldn't do this why I meet Damon I was really happy with Jacob , I look at Jacob and he has his arms around me

"Don't cry please" I look up and I don't know why but I kiss him , Jacob kiss me I can feel his anger lost and wanting much more . He picks me up and I wrap my legs around his small weist

Jacob was more fit , he did work out all the time and his muscles where tight, and Damon's was fit too but he wasent as right with muscles as Jacob

Jacob puts me down on the sofa and started kissing my neck and down on my breast then he stops

"Bella is this what you want ?" I look at him out of breath and I sat up on the sofa and he sits in front of me

"I don't know , I want to be with you " he lifts my face up to his level

"Be with me and if your not happy then leave with him " I look at him he was seriouse , but I promised Damon I will go back everything was fine when I left to come here with Jacob

"It's that what you want Jacob ?" he nodded

"I want to be with you " I look at him

"I want to be with you too is just that I don't want to put your hopes up but I have to go back to work too , he just gave me time too take off " he look down at him

"Then quit " I look at him

"I can't " he gets up and grabs the phone

"I don't know his number by heart ,in gonna go for a run " he smiles at me a nodded . I went to Jacobs room and I put my hair in a messy bun grabbing my running sneakers and socks I grab Jacobs headphone because I don't really know where are mine . I grab the phone Damon got me and plug the headphone playing pandora I left get if the elevator . I went downstairs walking to the park . I started runing at the entrance of the park I did to laps and I stop laying myself on the grass

"Holyshit I'm out of shape " I plug my earphones off

"Your not " I turn and I couldn't see the sun was on my eyes I sat up and I couldn't believe it

"Damon " he walk closer to me and sat down

"Omg what are you doing here?" he breaths out

"I shouldn't let you go " he pulls my hand to me

"I thought you were gonna call me " I look at the phone he gave me

"I honestly was planing to call you in 2 min I can't stop thinking of you " he leans down and kiss me on my cheek

"I miss you so much I couldn't sleep at all " I look up at him

"I kissed Jacob twice " he let's go of my hand as I felt lonely when he let go honestly

"Damon I " he stands up

"You want him " I standup

"I don't know "

"Don't worry I made a choice for you , your free " he turns around and started running. Omg what jut happen I lean down and grab my phone I started runing behind Damon

"Damon wait up " i started having a pain in my lower stomach I lean down and yelled abit . omg it hurts I trew my self at the grass

"Bella " I see Damon walking towards me and I started crying because the pain came faster pain sharps

"Bella what's wrong?" he picks me up bridal style and I cryed more I have ever had pain like this not even when I had my period . Damon's pulls his had out to stop a cab and after a min a cab stop he opens the door and sat me down and he next to me

"Can you please take us to the hospital speed it up I'll pay the double " the cab driver did as told

"Bella what's wrong " I cry more

"I don't know it hurts a lot " we it to the hospital with in 7 min Damon payed the cab

"Thanks stay with the change " the can left and Damon pick me up taking me inside the hospital . it hurt so much I couldn't walk anymore

"Please help me " two nerses bought a bed and puts me on top taking me behind ,I couldn't lay straight I was scrunch to a ball

"Sorry sir you have to wait out here " he nodded and i look at him one more time before heading inside the doors

"It hurts " the doctor came inside the room

"Tell me what wrong ?" I nodded still crying

" I have sharp pains here " I touch love of my stomach , he came and press where it hurts

"Okay is the pain like a cramp ?" I shook my head

"No it's worse please take the pain away " a nurse walk in with a bag with clear water she stands next to me and puts a niddle in my arm

"This is

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