The Ride Home

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We say down and he turns on his car I can see this car is new , it must be a 2014 camri , I thought this car haven't come out yet . . I been wanting it ever since I saw it it was going to come out.

"How did you manage to get this car ? Is still haven't come out with the model" he stops since the light turn red and looks at me.

"I felt inlove with with so I got it special made I always get what I want" he smirks and starts driving again.

"Cocky aren't we " I role my eyes and check my phone , saw I new text Jacob had to called tripple A, his gonna come home late cuz it's midnight and I already know .

"Why you still have your mask on dulce ?" I touch my face I forgot I still had my mask on .

"Are you scared I will stalk you ? trust me I'm not one of Thoes guys,

are you in a rush I actually abit hungry" I look at him and check my phone I'm kindly hungry too, but if I go with him I would defenally take my mask off.

"Yeah I can go for dinner "

We pulled to this little dinner that it's 24 hrs he turns off the car and gets out , he slams his door and I got calm got my purse, my door open and I look up at him he holds his hand out an I grab it , I got out and I grab my purse , I look up at him and his like 2 inches taller than me . He grabs my chin and touches my face with such care I closed my eyes and he pulls my mask off slowly . He takes it off and I look at him ,he touches my face am looks at me with such tense .

"Your beautiful" we were staring each other like it felt forever he looks at me before saying .

"we should go in" he walks away and I follow him he is still holding my mask he opens the door and I walkin in . We sat down and order our drink .

"What are you going to order Dulce?"i look at the menu and everything looks good.

"I might get the straberry bananas waffle " I look at him and his stearing at me , I don't knoe what it is but his getting me nervouse.

The waitress gets here ,

"Here's your coffee sir the sugars and milk are here" she looks at me .

"Here's your orange juice , are yu guys ready to order ?" I look at her and smile .

"May I get the straberrys bananas waffle ?"

"Sure anything else with that ?"

"No Thankyou " she's smiles back she looks older then 50s I may say and I love her smile .

"What about you sir what would you like ?"

"Can I scramble eggs with hasbrowns , Thankyou " she smiles and walks away.

I look around and I see this place is empty , and can see from the corner of my eyes his looking at me . I turn and look at him .

"How old are you dulce ?" I look down at the sugar packages .

"I'm 18, and you ?" I look at him and he looks serious è I think that's the way he stares or who knoes.

"I'm 24, why a young beautiful woman like you have a job like that" wow his asking right on point , I don't know him like that to tell him my life story why does he care .

"My mom got to a bad accident and well it's just me and her so since I was 17 I current get a good paying job to pay the hospitals bills , so I got this job"

"I see " the waitress brought of food and we ate in silence.

"I have never since you here in town before why are you here if you don't mind me knowing " i stare at him .

"I came down here for a meeting I'm not from this town " he looks at me and drinks his coffee.

"Are you okay Dulce" he looks at me and checks his watch .

"Someone is probably waiting for you at home we should go " I look or my phone in my purse I can't find it I thought I put it in my purse.

"Looking for this dulce ?" I look up

"Mmm yes" I put my hand over the table and he touches my hand before giving me the phone , I can feel my checks turn red what's wrong with me.

"We should go , he asked for the Check and I get my wallet out of my purse I open it and grab my credit card and he puts his hand over my hand .

"No I got this next time it's on you" I look at him an his smiling at me . He pays and I walk out side, so I can call Jacob , and the line went to voicemail , his phone probably die , and I don't have keys to the condo , I might have to stay home , I message him letting him know I'll be at my moms house so when his phone turns on he will get the message. Damon walks to the car and we both get in. I don't knoe but it feels awkward having short someple answers to our questions i look at him and his turning his car on turnin. The heater on since it's getting kinda cold now .

"Where too dulce ? "

"47 wenson street its my place , Mmm you can turn left on the light " I have him the directions and we got home, he park his car and turn and look at me .

"Want to come in and have some coffee" he nodded and got out I the car .

"You have a beautiful house " I turn around and look at him .

"Thankyou my mom choose it we actually just moved in a couple of weeks ago now " we walk up the stairs and my clupsy ass didn't step right and almost felt back and Damon catch me so fast .

"Holyshit good reflexes " he laughs

"Are you okay dulce ?" I turn and look at him

"Yeah Thankyou just got scared " he gets closer to me and leans , is he gonna kiss me.

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