Going Back Home

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I look up at Damon it felt nice a kiss after all but I can't forget . I raise my right hand and I smack him across his face , he grabs my hand and pulls me over his shoulder

"Let me go Damon " I kick and hit Damon but he did moved , it look like he didn't feel the pain that I just made him ,we get to his room and he trows me down on his bed , he takes off his vest and unbuttoms his buttom shirt . I look at him and he walks to me

"What are you doing ?" I lean back to the bed , getting out on the other side

"What you want " he takes his shirt off and unbuttoms his pants I kept looking at what his doing , in shocked but more because he looks so good taking his cloths of and staring at me the way he is . I walk backwards and hit my back with the wall , he's pants falls on the floor and his only with his boxers he walk to me letting little space in between us . he touches my face and I closed my eyes appreciating his touch on me i open my eyes as Damon ripes Matt's shirt of me , I couldn't stop him, because in reality I like it ,he pulls the pants down and lifts me up , we kept looking at each other. He reached my bra and unhooked it making my bra fall out , he looks down at my chest just looking at his eyes with so much lust makes my heart beats faster and faster he lean closer to my chest and he opens his mouth getting in to right nipple , giving my a small bite , and he starts sucking I lean back liking the sensation his making me, is making me moan, he puts me down on his bed , still sucking and bitting my nipple , he pulls my pantys off and I help him pull down his boxers , he stands up pulling up with him I wrap my legs around his waist . He sits down on the middle of his sofa getting me to sit down on him I gasp at how he sat me down so fast having him hard inside me , I started grinning at him I stand up and played With his tip making us both moan at the feeling it gave us . I slam down at him and I yelled at the feeling I started grinding again up and down he leans down on my nipple and started suckin again I went faster and faster, how good it felt

"Damon " he thrust me harder and I felt more wet inside me . He picks me up and sat me down on the sofa

" knees and hands " I look at him

"Now " I turn around the sofa just like he said , and he smacks my ass , it hurt but felt good I was naked infront of Damon doggy style . I look down at him inbetween my legs me leans on the floor and I feel a hit warm , I moanen wanting more he licks me and sucks my clunt I moanen his name and , he stand up and he goes inside me

"Damon " he grab my tights and he pushed me towards him . he goes in and out making me gasp how he perfectly fits inside me

"Faster " he did as I was told I moanen louder and louder he pulls my hair towards him making me lean to him we were closed and he was thrusting me more it felt good his hand goes around my nipple he grabs it and pinch me , it's crazy how that sensation went all the way to my Clint

"Damon I'm Cumming" he fuck me harder and then I came feeling something warm inside me as well , I layed down at the sofa and him still inside me , he pulls away and carrys me taking me to his bed we both layed down . Trying to get back to normal breathing , I layed down at his arm and closer to him I didn't wanted to ruin what we just had but I had to know what role does Melissa play in his life

"Damon " he looks down at me

"She's no one special , I had sex with her and we try to have a relationship but she's alway become to possessive towards me , I lost a couple of friends because of how she is" I noded

"Why didn't you fired her " he leans closer to me

"I can't she has 30% of the company here in Cali , she doesn't want to sell it , nor I want to sell mines I rather buy her 30% " I look down at his hands now touching mines

"My ex boyfriend is coming for me" he sat up pulling me to him

"Is that what you want ?" I look down at my hands and then back up at him

"I don't know I can't tell him to not come for me now " he noded

"You should go with him , and decide what you want to do I will always want you and if you come back with your things then your have always been mine " I smile at him and he pulls me to a hug

"I love you so much Bella , I honestly don't know what spell you used on me" I pulled away and I gived him a kiss

"I love you Damon , and I don't want to ever see you with another woman other than me " he noded and kissed me

"What time is he coming for you ?" I look down and I didn't have my watch

"At 7 he should me at the airport he look down at his wall clock

"I don't want to see you with him , you don't mine getting drop at the airport " I look at him I get it I won't like to see him with an ex

"Yeah that's fine " he got up

"Let's get ready " I got dress with Damon's gray shirt and his sweatpants and my flats , we got out to the car , I left most of my stuff at his place , I just grab my watch and a few shirts he got me , I sat down as we hold hands

"I don't want you to leave " I look at him I don't ither but I do need my space and think what is that I want

"I'll call you " he look at me and pulled out a box , I was planing I give you this but here , he gave it to me I open it and it's the iphone 5 in gold

"Damon I have a phone " he shook his head

"Who knows what happen to your phone , but it already has my number in it , I will left of you message me or call me " I lean down at him and kissed him in his cheek we it at the airport he it out getting my small bag , he opens my door and helps me get out

"I love you have a safe trip " he pulls me to him giving me a kiss we pulled away

"I love you too " he hands met by and I walk to the airport entrance

"Call me when you get home safe " I noded and walk Inside the airport , I turn around and Damon drove away I'm gonna miss him so much

Another chapter , please comment and like Thankyou

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