i just kissed my best

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“oh” the waiter brought our plates, I saw that just like I Jacob haven’t touch his food, what’s wrong with me, my bestfriend told me he likes me and im here sitting down. I got out of the chair and I was heading towards the door, do I want to lose him? I turn around and I see Jacob staring down. Take a chance right? I walk back to the table were I and Jacob were sitting down and I see Jacob getting up I walk up to him and I pulled his arm, I look at him in the eyes I lean down and I kiss him closing my eyes , he responded my kiss. The kiss was different , I haven’t kiss no one other then Leo this kiss was sweet hunger and it felt nice. I broke up why ? because if I was still kissing Jacob I would have faited of out of breath, I open my eyes and Jacob hold me with his arm around my waist I look at him , he had do so much lost in his eyes, his sweet brown eyes I never relized how much taller he was compare to me im 5.4 and his probably 6.2 , why did I just notice that his really tall . I stair down his lips , they look swollen probably from the kiss we just had

“Jacob im sorry I should have never kiss you” he pulls me closer to him

“lets eat okay “ I look at him for another second and I noded he walks me to my chair and then he sits down” I feel weird we just kiss and now we are eating like nothing had happen. I look back at Jacob who is eating calmly

“what are you doing tomorrow? I look at him thank god he broke this silence

“ I wanted to spend some time with my mom and Nadia, actually I wanted to have dinner and you? “ I kept eating my banana pancake and I was full so I drank some of my water

“I don’t know yet, I wanted to spend time with you”

In love with my boyfriend brotherWhere stories live. Discover now