"We are having a ?"

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"Mom I can't believed we are going to find out the sex of my baby today" i grab my mothers wheel chair as we cross the street . The doctors appointment is not till an hour and a half so we decided to eat breakfast at panera bread , I was starving as always I probably gain like 100 pounds now but it's okay because I know I am eating for two . I'm picturing where your guys are thinking were Damon , well Damon is at work and would meet us at PAneras bread onces his done with the paper work he had to do this morning . He has been going with me to every appointment I have had

"I'm so exited sweetie I can't wait to finally meet our baby " this was the first time my mother goes with me to the doctors appointment , my mom started dating our neighbor and i honestly don't know what his doing but his making my mother smile all the time , I'm glad she meet him . They are always going out like yesterday they went to the museum , and the day before that they went all day on a boat . My mother is happy and I'm happy for her , she finally got her other half . Nadia went to see her sister in jersey so I will see her when we get home later tonight, the waiter removed one of the chairs so my mother can take a place on the table . I sat beside her and we both look at the menu

"My name is Sarah and I'll be taking your order today will you like to start with a drink ?" I nodded as I look up to her she look around 18 she had orange cherry color curly hair and had prikles on her cheeks she was white and was very tall , I smiled and look at my mother

"Mami what kind of drink you want ?"

She look up from the menu

"Can I have apple juice please and I actually know what I want for breakfast can I have ham with eggs and chesse on white and hash browns on the side thank you " I smile at my mom and look at the menu one more time , If I could I would order everything on the menu

"And you miss what would you like ?" I look at her closing the menu

"Can I make my own thing?" the girl smile and nodded I look at her name tag

"Okay Cassie can I get bacon eggs and cheese all mix together on a toasted bagel and add an apples and cinnamon oatmeal with milk and a cup of orange Juice " the girl nodded writing what I just had order down

"Anything else with that?"

"Yes can I order the same thing my beautiful pregnant girl friend just order Thankyou" I turn around as I saw Cassie blush and walk away nodding

"Hello MR." I turn alittle on the side seeing Damon un butting his buttom of his blazer and walk around and gives a kiss on my moms shoulder

"Hello beautiful" he walks towards me and gives me a kiss on my lips, I'm not sure if every pregnant woman feels like this but all I want to do is have sex I'm so freaking horny all the time

"Here is your drink " we all look up at Cassie putting our drinks on the table . I took a sip of my orange Juice , I try my best not to eat before I have my appoinments In the obyn but let me tell you my baby doesn't let me I'm get so hungry all the time .

We started eating as soon as Cassie brought our food to the table . I was laying down on the clinics bed as Dr. Jones was rubbing the gel over my belly . I was looking at the screen with Damon holding my hand and my mom right besides us

"This is the baby's head " I nodded as she circle on the screen with her finger

"This is the babies are and the legs" I clean a tear with my hand , I always get emotional this baby will be my life

"Do you guys want to know the sex of the baby ?" we all look at each other and nodded looking back at the screen

"Congradulations your having a girl" I look back at my mom as Damon gives me a kiss on my forth head

"We are having a girl " I put down my shirt over my belly as Dr. Jones walks out of the room to give us privacy . Damon helps me sat up and then I stand and hug my mother

"We are having a baby girl Mami" she hugs me back

"I know baby congrats Mija" I got up and hug Damon

"Can you belived it " he nodded and laughs

"I'm proud of you Hunny " Damon grabs my purse as we head out of the room

"You know what that means!" the both look at me

"Shopping " the laugh as I hug my belly

'Icant wait to have you in my arms princess ' I made a monthly appoinment and we headed out of the clinic everyone that will look at me gives me the awe face, I was 5 months pregnant and was already wearing maternity cloths I was a light blue maternity blause with white lines and white pants and my black flats , I decided to stop going at school and start next year since I new I would be distracted all the time . I'm not working at the moment so most of my savings are going to the bills and what ever we need ,Damon asked me to help him look for a house , and he gaved the permission to get the one That catches my eyes so my mom and I are working at that since his stuck at work most of the time

We decided to go home since my mom got tired of the sun and me and Damon decided to go change to summery cloths it was already July , and the temperature was getting higher by the second. Nadia stayed home to make dinner for us and to celebrate the sex of our baby, we are all exited to know what we were having . I and Damon headed to our bedroom as he changed to casual cloths and I got a pink long strapless dress , it had white long thick lines across it i grab my white sandals and headed back downstairs meeting my mother and Nadia to give her the big news

"Nadiaaaaaaaa" I was singing her name as she walks towards me with big arms

"Your mother current hold her exit ment and told me cogradulations baby" I hug her bag as we pull away

"I'm so happy our baby Is healthy and getting bigger" she nodded

"Did you guys decided on a name already ? " I shocked my head side ways

"I have no clue yet , maybe we would talk about it when we go shopping , I'm so exited Nadia"

"Are you ready?" I turn around to look at Damon walking down the stairs "

"Yeah we are ready "

"Bye mom bye Nadia I'll se you guys later" they Boths said there goodbyes as we headed out the door

"We are going to take a ride before we go shopping , is that okay ?" I nodded as he look seriouse

Short chapter , please give me feedbacks

Can you guys guess what is Damon going to say !!!??? ha so exited

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