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We are so closed I can feel him breathing , I don't knoe why but I'm nervouse .
"Are you okay dulce " I look at him his not gonna kiss me .
"Yeah I'm okay why ?" He starts alighting and lost why is he laughing ?
"You need hell opening your door ?" I look at him and I turn I get my keys out and I unlock the door . we go in and I closed it .
"Sorry kinda got lost " I look at him and his smirking .
We go to the kitchen and he sits down I put the water in the coffee machine ,i turn and grab two coffee mugs i turn an look at him and his very handsome , he has black hair kinda messy his dark green eyes his light skin and he looks like he has muscle can't really see because of his tux .I pour coffee in out mugs I walk to him I put both down , I walk back to the kitchen and grab some milk and sugar I put it on the table and sat down.
"Here some sugar and milk not sure how you like your coffee "he nods and pours on his mug 2spoons of sugar and he drinks it .
"Aw it's good " I smile and I grab the milk pour some on my coffee and I grab 3 spoons .
"I like it sweet and light " I drink some and it's heaven it feels nice drinking something hot on a cold weather like this .
"Tell me about your life I tell you some of mines already " he nods
"I have my own business started right after I finish college , I had a family business but me an my father didn't see things eye to eye so I left from home right after a graduate from highschool and now I have my own business.
"I see and what happen with your family " he puts down his mug and looks at me in the eyes I feel like I can't move.
"My father die 4 years ago and the rest of my family are still together " I smile and drank some of my coffee I don't think his conftable taking about it and I'm not gonna push it.
"Mines die when I was 5 I can't really remember him , I go to school I want I be a doctor " his smiles at me and his eyes have some shine just the way Jacob looks at me but Jacobs eyes are brown .
"How long are you here in town for" he puts his coffee down .
"Want more coffee " I finish mines aswell ,
"No thanks , I'm no sure I saw something thy cought my eye I'll probably be around for a bit longer then I expected it , but it's okay I have to do a few thing here ither way"
I see i grab Boths mugs and took it to the sink , my phone starts ringing and I grab it ,
"Hello "
"Hey baby just got home want to come over or are you staying at your moms?"I look at Damon and his looking at me
"I mm i I "I'm I shuttering now really Bella ,
"I'll be there soon "
"Okay baby I see you soon love you "
I smile
"I see you soon "I'm sill looking and damon and I hang up . I look down grabbing my purse to but my phone down .
"I'm gonna go change you think you can give me a ride at my friends house "
He nods sure
"Want to come to my room so you don't feel left out " haha I laugh he got up and started walking towards me and we go to my room and I open it , he goes in and sits down the chair I have on my makeup station .
"Your room is so girly " I smile lookin at him I know preaty in pink right .
"I grab my black and white skirt and I grab my black tank top and my black leather jacket
"I'll be right back " he nods and I go to my bathroom that I have my room . I get out and his looking at me
"Wow your beautiful "
"Thankyou " I grab my makeup and put some light shadow and I grab my black eyeliner and put some on
"You want to sit down "
I look down at me no thanks I'm good almost done "
I sit down on the bed and grab my lotion I put my leg up to the chair Damon is sitting down.
"Need help "smirking at me so I smirk back
"Sure I trow him the lotion and I put down my right and give him my left leg .
"His touch is soft and his massaging my leg
"Here you go and gives me the lotion back . he grabs my leg and pulls me closer to the ende he gets on top,
"I hope you are not playing games " he leans closer to me I feel like his about to kiss me ,
"You don't want to play with me dulce you will fall in love with me" I don't know what happen to me to do this I get closer to him and I kiss him . he kiss me back and his kiss is like electric never felt this way , hi kissing was fire I wanted more and curent have more . He raises my leg and starts touching up and down and I raise my legs to give him more entrance and out of no where he gets up
"Don't you have to leave" we both are out of breath i look at him
"Yeah we should go I'm sorry "I get up and I fix my skirt. I put on my leather jacket and I put it on with my black boots. We got in his car and he drives off I gave him the direction to Jacob and I condo. he grabs his phone
"Here can you charge it " I look at him
"Sure " his not gonna asked for my number.

In love with my boyfriend brotherWhere stories live. Discover now