2nd Part to the next day. . . .

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"put my phone in my ear the line started ringing and after the 3rd ring

" yes Bella" i can already feel Bob is mad,

"I'm taking off today i cant come in" i can feel my heart beat , beat faster , i was never good working or talking under pressure, and this was one of them

"And why is that Bella i want to hear a good explanation" pist off Bob and stupid of me not thinking what to say because i never came up with a story so i pulled one out of my ass

" I felt down the stairs and my right foot is swollen and im in pain and if i go to work im going to hurt my self more and I will probably be off more days but if you want me to still come i will" i felt like i was out of breath i felt bad lying but i do want to spend with Jacob other then school

 "Okay take it off and ice your foot for 20 min , keep me updated" and with that he hung up , I felt bad lying to him but atleast i dont call out often. I finish charging my phone good thning Jacob has the same phone as me an iphone, i got up and i started walking looking around for my shoes, i look down the bed and i feel to arms around me, i smile knowing who might be i turn around and look at my boyfriend

"Well hello beautiful what your looking for" looking at my eyes

"i cant find my shoes" giving him my puppies eyes, he leans down and gives me kiss on my shoulder getting closer to my neck

"Mmm you smell so good, i can eat you up" giving me a smirk i can feel my cheecks burn i give him a kiss

"thankyou for finding my shoes" and i push him back

'get ready im hungry" i rub my belly, he smiles and he walks to his closet and once he came out he was dress up already he finish putting on his leather jacket on top his white v neck shirt that is tight around his body showing his mucles he has a really nice body. He grabs his black shoes and puts them on, he grabs my hand and we walk out his condo to the onces we reach the main floor we walk out of the building and walk straight to his car. We arrived to my house and he parked his car where i usually park my car all the time but since i dont have my car , he can park there, we got out of the car and we walk to the door of my house i unlock the door and we headed insede as i lock the door, i see my mom who is on the table playing with the ipad i got her a couple weeks ago, i see Nadia next to her

"Hi mom hi Nadie ill be back in a bit" i ran upstairs leaving Jacob with them. They know Jacob so it wont be that akward right, well acept the fact that they saw me come inside the house with mens clolths and i walk in with a man

"hahahahaha o well" i got to my room, i open the door i  grab the lighter i have next to my canddle i light it up putting back the lighter to its place, i walk inside my bathroom and took another quick shower i smell as a woman again i  wraped my towel around my body and i walk out of the shower heading to my walk-in closet i grab my black tanktop and my ripskinny jeans i put them on with my fresh underwear. i brush my hair and put it up on a ponytail and did a messy bun.

I sit down on my piinkchair by my makeup woredrove (yes im very girly) and i start doing my routing with my makeup i do a simple natural look and i top it of with a nude lipstick,i walk where my candle is light on and open the draws i grab my bracelets and my favor 2 rings i grab my hoop earings, and i walk to my closet getting my light brown scarf. i went to check my self one more time before going back downstairs and i put on some perfume and walk to my candle and blew it off i walk where i have my shoes and got my brown flats, i walkied down the stairs while fixing my scarf. I see mom and Jacob are in the living room with Nadia , I walk to them and hug my mom sorry for running but I'm starving and goin out with Jacob  i walk to Nadia and gave her a hug too,

"is okay baby don't worry about it ,now go have fun " I kiss my mom in the cheek and hug Nadia again before walking to the door Jacob says his goodbyes and he opens the door and let's me out I lock it and walking down the stairs he grabs my hand and now were walking to the car holding hands.  Were in the car still holding hands and I see Jacob putting his right signal light on ,

"where we goin ? Change your mind on Denny's " he shooks his head

"No Bella we are going to Denny's I just need to do something" he parks and I look at him worried

"what's wrong Jacob ?" He turns off the car

"I need to do this I can continue not knowing something and having this feeling I need to tell you how I feel " he holds my hand and starts playing with my fingers and I do the same

" I'm crazy in love with you Bella and I'm happy and very happy that your with me and I repect your life and decisions I know what I feel for you is real and I want to knoe that your heart is going to be mine " he leans down and grabs a small box out of his leather jacket . Omg I gasp and put my hand in my mouth

 "Please Bella don't freak out" he opens the box and is the most beautiful ring I have ever seen , it's 2 hearts cover with little diamonds and in the middle between the 2 hearts is a big diamond I grab the box looking closer to the ring. I look at him and he says

"I want you to accept this ring as a promised ring that I promised i Always will always love you and I don't want to lose you Bella" he puts the ring on my finger and I kiss him

"Jacob I can't omg I love it I will promised you that my heart is gonna be yours I love it " . We kiss one more time and he turns the car on and we drive of to Denny's

"I know it's to soon Bella but I needed to knoe that your going to give me a chance to make you fall in love with me i will never fail you i can promised you that ". We park at Denny's he opens my door and I get out he closes my door and holds my hand we walk inside Denny's, onces the waitress gets us a table we sat down , and I'm staring at my promised ring , it's so beautiful and it's mine no one has ever gave me somethin value like this or even meaningful , I look at Jacob and he smiling at me , leans down on my ear

"I love you Bella ".

In love with my boyfriend brotherWhere stories live. Discover now