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The doctor ran a few test , idont care how many test he takes I'm so thankful I can see . I have to lived my life to the fullest , I'm just 18 it's my time to live it up . The doctor said his goodbyes with Damon and opens the door and leaves .

"How are you feeling Bella ?" I smile at him I don't know what would have happen to me if Damon wasn't there , Leo probably would have kill me .

"Thankyou Damon for everything , I own you my life but we have to talk why you told my mom I'm at a diffeent state ?" he noded

"Let's talk then , I told bob your boss to tell her that so incase if everyone asked they don't come and look for you here in California , now is my turn to asked what the hell happen that night? who is that men?". My hear started beating fast I'm scared what if something happens to my mother

"He is a client I had at the club , everything was fine he saw me at a restaurant with my boyfriend and he force me to go with him , then Jacob came to get me and I don't remember that rest I wokeup at a hotel room and Jacob said that Leo's bodyguard was following us , after driven a while he pulled over at the hotel " my head it's hurting a bit so I layed back down

"Are you okay Bella ?" he leans and looks at me

"So you have a boyfriend ?" I nodded

"It won't work I'm gonna break up with him " he got closer to me

"Why it wouldn't work ?" I sat up getting closer to Damon

"Because I have my eyes on someone else " he gets closer and i start breathing heavy I kiss him he kisses me back and I pulled him to me now his on top

"We need to talk " I look away and back at him

"I never felt this way before" I look straight at Damon's eyes

"I started dating my best friend and I haven't been with someone , it felt nice being with someone for once who cared about me" I get closer to Damon's face

"It feel nice being with someone who calles me beautiful who hugs me and tells me he loves me , but you come along and all I think is about you all I want is kiss you and make love to you I never felt this way and now that I thought I was not gonna see for the rest of my life I don't care anymore" I kiss him I sit ontop of him he grabs me and pulls me closer to him . I unbutton his baby blue color shirt ,he kisses my neck I grin on him and he pullse legs aroud his hips I moan and he pulles my face to him

"Live here with me" I'm trying to catch my breath

"What?" His hand is still at my face he looks at me serious è

"I want you to live with me here in Cali, what do you say ?" I look at him waiting for him to laugh an say he was jocking

"Are you seriouse Damon ?" he noded

"I'm seriouse Bella stay here with me" I look down at his chest

"You know I can't my mom needs me and school and " he kisses me and I kiss him back

"I want you to stay with me and lived your life like you said , your mom will be fine and when ever she wants to see you she is welcome here , you can start school here when ever your ready, what's holding you up Bella ?" Jacob even Thoe I won't be with him anymore , I don't want to lose my best friend

"Okay I'll stay here but first I have to go home and do a few things get my script from school , get my suff and I have to do other things before I come lived with you "he look at me

" I'll be right by your side " I smile

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He pulles me with a kiss , I kiss him back with my all he helps me pull my shirt off and I take of his belt I unbutton his pants and he gets up lifting me up . Damon pushes me to the wall and his pants felts down he has me on the wall and I can feel his thing rubbing on me and it feels good he puts me down and helps me with my pants he moves me underwear on the side he picks me up and he puts his thing on me I moan loud he carrys me and fucks me at the same time. He pushes me up and down up and down his standing fucking me I can feel his muscles , he sits down and while taking me on his seat he unbutton my bra and it goes down on the floor. he grabs my right boob and he massages it pinching my nipple he leans and sucks my left boob , he sucks and gives me a soft bite I grind on him faster and faster knowing I'm ready to cum he picks me up and puts me down on the bed , I flip him over and now I'm on top and his laying on his back . I'm grinding at him and I open my legs more giving me more access so I can feel him more inside me, we both started moanin and trying to catch our breaths he flips me over . and now im laying on my back and his on top he fucks me more and leans closer to me he kissing me on my ear he goes down he gives me a wet kiss on my neck he gives me a bite on the same place he gave me a wet kiss he goes up in my ear again

"Your mine going to be mine " I cum and he lays on top of me , I can feel his warm cum inside me he pulls away and layed next to me he hugs me and I turn giving him my back and just like that I felt asleep

It would be really nice to know of I'm doing a good job with this story. . Comment and like please Thankyou . .

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