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|The Hall of Justice
|December 28 2013, 11:28

Catgirl paced around inside the lounge, trying to think what exactly she was going to say.

What would even happen to her?

Of course The Justice League had no idea what she was doing.

They couldn't, because then they'd ask why.

"Katherine." The League's public affairs officer, Catherine Cobert walked in, "The press are ready for your announcement."

"Right." Catgirl stopped pacing, "Right. Good. That's good."

Catherine looked unsure.

"I'll be out in a minute." Catgirl told her, pulling out her phone to see she'd missed yet another call.


He probably noticed she'd left the apartment while he was out training the team.

She'd get back to him soon.

This was her priority.

"'re adamant you're not telling me what this announcement is?" Catherine uncomfortable shifted on the spot she was standing in.

It didn't take a genius to knew there was a reason she wasn't getting told.

Catgirl couldn't be stopped.

She needed to keep her end of the bargain up.

This was for good.

For Jason...

"This has to happen." Catgirl turned off her phone and put it away, "I'm going." She decided, before she could chance her mind.


"Catgirl, question!"

"Catgirl, over here! Cat Grant, channel-!"

"I don't have anything to say to you." Catgirl glared at Grant, the rest of the press going silent.

That was one way to make them all shut up.


They were terrified of her already.

Well, most of them.

Cat continued, pushing through the crowd to get closer with her crew. Catgirl continued glaring, biting her tongue as Grant stopped only meters away.

Bruce's assumption about her not fully getting a grip on her feral side after her meltdown last night wasn't far from the truth.

She was finding it hard not to tear our Cat's throat where she stood- but the idea was to not turn the country against her the moment she left the safety of The Justice League.

It was very likely her pardon would be lifted, so the people was all she had.

She needed to hope all the good she'd done the past few years was enough to redeem her in the public eye.

It had to be...

"I have a message to the people." She started, making sure her point was clear, "To the kids, women and men I've dedicated the past 3 years to protecting. An apology, if you will, for what I'm about to say next.." She heard the door behind her open slightly, and glanced back to see Batman standing there. "I...I'm resigning from The Justice League of America. Retiring-"

The press roared with questions in response, as presumed, but Batman stayed where he was. He didn't try and stop her like she feared he would, which was a good sign. Hopefully.

She hesitantly reached for her cowl and pulled it off to reveal her face. She held it in her hands, looking down at it with a mixed expression.

She knew retiring from The League didn't mean she was retiring-retiring.

Everyone else probably feared that.

They did fall silent upon seeing her face...

"I'm not going to stop protecting the people." She continued, looking back at the cameras, "A few years of good doesn't erase many more of bad. I will continue to protect the innocent. I just...I just can't be the hero I need to be with The Justice League. It's not me. I'm sorry."

Batman opened the door to let her back in once she was done. She avoided eye contact with him, keeping her head down as Catherine ran out to calm down the press once again, and reassure them that this wasn't going to be Catgirl's first step to returning to villainy.

Everyone was worried about that.

Even her.

But what she really worried about were the world leaders, who would be discussing their next moves now, long before she could ever get the chance to go back to her old ways.

What would they decide?

Word Count: 675

A/N: My wifi is struggling yet again but here's this weeks chapter! Thanks for your patience and for continuing to support this series! <3

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