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|Gotham City
|January 26 2014, 01:24

Robin sat on his favourite gargoyle (yes, favourite) and reached into his utility belt for his cigarettes.

Batman had left to stop a crime solo.

Something about 'not being ready'.

It was nothing Robin hadn't heard before, but it still pissed him off that after all the hard work he'd put into all this he still 'wasn't ready'.

"Asshole." He muttered, lighting one of his cigarettes.

Why, even after passing all his tests, did Batman think he wasn't ready.

"You know he won't appreciate that." Catgirl spoke in his earpiece.

"Wha-?!" Robin jumped up to his feet in surprise, the cigarette falling straight out his mouth.

Catgirl laughed, "Don't go falling from that height.", confirming she did infact have eyes on him.

"Where are you?" Robin scanned the nearby rooftops for her, "Why are you watching me?"

"Well." Catgirl replied, "I'm not up where you are, and I heard your lighter- which is my lighter, not yours."

Robin looked down at the lighter in his hand, noticing the cowled figure on the street below. He freed his hand, watching the figure catch her lighter.

"Thanks." Catgirl put the lighter in her own belt, "I don't like to think I taught you to steal."

"No.." Robin kept his eyes on her, "You refused to."

Catgirl chuckled, stepping back as he jumped and fired his grappling hook into another gargoyle.

As soon as his feet touched the ground, she pulled him into a hug.

"Katherine." Robin just stood there and took it.

As Nightwing said, he 'should be happy she shows affection' towards him.

Sometimes it was like he got all of it.

"What?" Robin raised a brow when she finally backed off him, "Why are you looking at me like that."

Catgirl silently nodded, starting to walk away.

What's up with her?

"Kid?" She finally asked, glancing over to him.

"Yes?" Robin wasn't sure where this was going.

"When I took you in.." she trailed off, trying to think of the words, " you think I could've done anything better for you instead?"

"What?" Robin laughed, refusing to believe she was serious.

She knew he was either headed to juvy or an early grave without her.

"Why are you asking?" He eventually questioned.

"Nothing to do with you." She assured, "Another kid I came across. It's been bothering me."

"What, you get me a new brother or sister?" Robin raised a brow at her.

Now she'd cut ties with The League she technically could do that, right?

"No way." She managed a weak smile, "I'd die for you, kid, but you're hard work. I'm too old for another you."

"Ouch." Robin tried not to take that too much to heart, being fully aware he probably wasn't the easiest kid to take in.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now