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|April 11 2014, 22:07

Robin stopped rubbing the rope around his wrist, biting his lip to stop himself from making any noise, as the burn on his wrist had finally caught up to him now he'd stopped rubbing.

The Joker had went into the back room of the warehouse to make a call, but the call was no longer than a few minutes.

Not enough time for Robin to get out.

"Change of plans." The Joker dragged something metal behind him as he approached.

Robin didn't have enough time to guess what the metal object was before it slammed into his side, exactly where his still healing stab wound was.

He grit his teeth to stop himself from screaming, but he couldn't stop himself from making some sort of pained noise that time.

As inexperienced as he was as Robin, he'd been a kid in The Narrows long enough to know a crowbar to the side when he felt it.

Usually he didn't have as many other injuries ontop of that to deal with.

"Our friend can't make it unfortunately." Joker explained, not looking as disappointed as he sounded at all. "It looks like it's going to be just you and me-!"

At least this time Robin saw the hit coming.

The crack of his ribs almost echoed in the near empty warehouse they were in, Joker's manic laughter definitely did.

After that Robin didn't have any time to recover before The Joker hit him again, and again, and again...


"Already?" Joker stopped beating Robin after their pained grunts fell to complete silence. "Boo. No fun."

Robin lay unconscious on the floor, surrounded by the rope that previously bound him, and what was left of the chair that'd taken most of the blows and broke. The armour on his suit had slowly been battered down too-what little hadn't was barely able to protect him from another swing.

Joker dropped the crowbar on the ground by Robin and walked as far as the door, hoping that he'd jolt to his feet and do something, but instead he just lay there, the only movement coming from him being the uneven rising and falling of his now broken ribcage.

"No fun at all." Joker pulled his phone out again, impatiently tapping his foot as Calico's number went back to voicemail.

"Nghhh.." Robin reached for the crowbar, not as unconscious as Joker had thought, but definitely not faking it to make his escape like the last Robin would've done.

Joker had been told that Calico was taken by Batman the night of the raid.

He didn't originally believe it as Calico's identity still remained a secret, but he knew his 'boss' wouldn't leave him alone with Robin for this long if he had a choice in the matter.

Calico wanted to keep Robin alive.

Joker's plan for what he was going to do with Robin was a little different than the original.

"Nnh!" Robin got to his feet, the weight of the crowbar pulling him back to the ground.

This was boring.

If there was one thing that made staying indoors that little less boring it was a good show on TV.

Word Count: 530


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