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|Mount Justice
|February 11 2014, 13:54

"You know I'm going to have to get up eventually, right?" Katherine mumbled, her head not leaving Nightwing's lap.

"For the bathroom, sure." He moved his arm onto her. It was too heavy for her to easily slip away from him in her weakened condition.

"Ngh.." She struggled to turn to look back at the arm, an uncomfortable expression on her face.

Nightwing winced, remembering that sick or not, she still had 80% scars covering her body under her long sleeves. "Sorry." He took some of the pressure off her. "You still using your lotion Leslie gave you?"

"No." Katherine stretched off him to try and grab the remote on the coffee table infront of them.

Nightwing learned forward, swiping the remote before she could. He held it above her to get her attention as he tried to warn, "If you don't look after your skin you know what happens-"

"I have worse health concerns than 3 year old scars that probably won't affect me ever again after 3 weeks- if I'm lucky." She weakly laughed, failing to steal the remote back.

Nightwing slowly handed her the remote, sighing to himself as she turned on the TV to watch the news.

3 weeks.

Was that really all she thought she had left?

"You know." He spoke up, trying to take his mind off what he couldn't fix, instead finding a positive, "When you come back you'll be as good as new. You'll be-"

"Whatever you're about to say, please don't." Katherine turned on her back so she was looking straight up at him, "You don't know what I'm going to be like when I come back."

What was that supposed to mean?

Nightwing managed to force a chuckle. "What?" He joked, "You too good for-?"

"I'm the opposite." Katherine reminded, turning on her side to face the TV again, "It's only a matter of time before people remember that."


Of course this was about her redemption.

When she turned 18 she was originally supposed to have a choice- and she did, but it was gratefully influenced by her new disability.

She chose the best way to survive with that.

That's what Katherine always did when put in difficult situations.

Nightwing had tried not to think too much about it, but deep down he knew if she was able to she would've ditched the league the second she could.

"Still." He trusted her. "You're not a bad person, Katherine. I'm certain I'll support any choice you make."

"And if you don't?" Katherine numbly watched the screen skip frames.

Nightwing didn't get to chance to question what that meant.

"Robin B-1-3."

Katherine slipped through Nightwing's arm and sat up straight as Jason wandered in, still wearing most of his Gotham Academy uniform- minus the recognisable blazer and tie.

"Oh- shit!" He noticed them when he got as far as the kitchen.

"Jason Peter Todd." She stood up, her arms crossed, "Care to share why you're not in school?"

"Uh..." Jason switched his gaze from her to Nightwing, retorting, "What you doing in the middle of the day with Nightwing while the cave is supposed to be clear?"

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now