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|Palo Alto
|April 16 2014, 06:03

"Coming!" Wally sped to the front door, apparently not quick enough as the knocking got louder. "I said I'm coming!" He yelled.

When he finally opened the door he didn't expect Dick to burst in and run up the stairs.

"Dude!" Wally used his speed to catch up to him, subconsciously stopping infront of his and Artemis' room.

Dick looked at the door behind him.

"Like I told you on the phone, she's ok." Wally tried to assure him, "Just- hey!" He almost lost his balance after being pushed aside, "I said she wasn't-!"

"Wally, did you lock up Brucely?!" Artemis yelled from somewhere in the house.

"The puppy." Wally paled, speeding off once again.

Dick didn't see any dog run out through the front door, but he was much too worried about Katherine to take much notice of anything else.

"Dick, is that you?" Katherine croaked, sitting up in the bed.

Dick ran to her, scooping her up into his arms, telling her, "We need to go into hiding. Now."

"What?" Katherine yawned, resting her head on his shoulder, "What did I do?"

"Nothing." Dick explained as he carried her through the house and back out the front door before Wally could return.

"Dick?" Katherine frowned, cupping his cheek with her hand, "Is that you?"

"Hey!" Artemis ran out the house after them, "What the hell, Dick?!" She gestured to Katherine, "She's obviously not able to keep up with whatever you're about to drag her into."

"I didn't drag her into anything." Dick shut her down, "I'm taking her out. If Batman- anyone asks if you know where we are, you don't."

"Okay?" Artemis stood by as Dick placed Katherine in the passenger seat of his car. "You going to tell me what this is about or...?"

"She'll tell you when she's able."

"Right." Artemis stated, "Cause right now she's far from able to do- Brucely!" She got distracted as a little white flash zoomed past the car. "Wally, get the puppy!"

"Dogs?" Katherine groaned, "I don't like dogs."

"I know." Artemis looked back at Katherine with a soft smile, "He'll be less trouble when he's older." She yelled back at Wally, "If he's not hit by a car first!"

"I can only go so fast in these shoes!" Wally yelled back, running at a human speed after Brucely down the street. 

"Oh my- I- just stay out of trouble, will you?" Artemis struggled to let Dick and Katherine go, eventually deciding to run after Wally and Brucely.

"Dick?" Katherine started again, "Is-"

"I need to take you somewhere safe." Dick told her as he got in the driver's seat, "Bruce knows about Felix so he'll be coming for you while you''re not your best."

"Felix.." Katherine's eyes glazed, "He was just a kid when he died..."

"Well he's alive and well now." Dick started the car, telling her, "I'll explain everything as many times as I need to on the way."

"The way?" 

"Yes." Dick pulled away from Artemis and Wally's house, "Far away from anywhere he'll think to look for you."

|San Francisco

"I know, I know." Dick apologised, watching as Katherine threw up into the motel bathroom. "We can't stay here long though. We need to keep moving if-"

"I'm not running." Katherine lifted her head out the bowl, her eyes tearful, "They have Jason, don't they?"

"Batman's getting him." Dick assured, "He'll be back home, safe and sound, soon."

Katherine looked like she wanted to argue but threw up into the toilet again.

He didn't know if it really was her motion sickness that made her so sick in the car.

They'd not even made it an hour out of Palo Alto before he had to stop at the next motel.

"I think I'm dying." Katherine echoed into the toilet bowl.

"I feared that." Dick frowned, going to help her out the bathroom once she was done to get some rest.

Katherine lay on the motel bed, staring up at the roof with a defeated look in her eyes.

"Batman will save him."

"Save who?" She sat up, her eyes foggy once more. "Dick?"

Dick shook his head, "Don't worry about it." He lay her back down to tuck her in properly, "Just go back to sleep, you'll be back to yourself soon."

"Mhm." She flapped the covers for him to join her, "You look like you could use a good nap too, Birdy."

Dick bit his lip, his eyes filling with tears.

"Mhm." He managed to nod, getting in beside her for a few minutes to pull himself together.

He needed to maintain his cool if he was going to be able to keep her hidden.

Word Count: 790

A/N: Posting this chapter a day early because I have exciting news! I've finally finished writing this book and am now able to go back to daily updates, meaning every day, starting today, you'll get a chapter of this book! There are 9 more chapters left after this chapter, so around a week and a half of this book :')

I'm finished writing, but still need questions for the Q&A, so if you have ANYTHING you want to know, you only have a week and a bit to ask it before I close the Q&A. You can ask in the comments or in questions below!

Tysm for reading!!!


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