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|Gotham City
|February 2 2014, 03:42

"Hey, B?" Robin spoke into the comms channel as he scaled one of the east dock warehouses.

Batman grunted.

"Yeah." Robin stopped climbing for a minute, "So, here's the thing." He explained, "There's this...Valentine's Ball type of deal at Gotham Academy-"


"See, I thought you'd say no, but hear me out." Robin wasn't giving up on a potential night off. He had no interest in showing up to the ball, but if it got him a night off he'd at least pretend to go.

"Fine." Batman gave him a chance.

"Thank you." Robin breathed, continuing to slowly make his way up the warehouse with his grappling hook, "It's on Valentine's, which is Friday, so I know I really should be out doing...Robin stuff, but Katherine told me you allow holidays off so...?"

"Do you have a date for the ball?" Batman asked.

The way he asked it made it seem like there was no right answer.

If he didn't have a date, why go?

If he did have a date...well, Batman.

"I'm going with Dick." Jason came up with the best lie he could.

Dick sometimes helped out with gymnastics classes so he was technically a member of staff at Gotham Academy- even if he was just part time.

It made sense for him to show up to the school dance as a teacher, right?

"You're going together."

Batman didn't seem to buy it at all.

"Yeah?" Robin silently winced, waiting for Batman's response.


"Fine?" Robin crawled onto the warehouse roof, confused, "Like, yes?"

"Yes." Batman answered, "You can go to the school dance as long as you are back in The Cave by midnight."

"Cinderella rules." Robin nodded, already sending a text-to-voice message to Katherine, "Got it. Easy to remember." He glanced up from his screen to try and spot where Batman was. "You got eyes on them yet?"

"No." Batman instructed, "Stay on the roof where you are and stay low. And turn your screen off. We can't see them, but they may very well see us."

"Right. Sorry." Quickly sent the text to Katherine before turning the screen off and  laying flat on his stomach by the edge of the warehouse roof. "That good?"

"Good enough." Batman reminded, "If he is with them he may hear you, so from now on maintain radio silence."

"Copy that, B." Robin didn't have to be told twice to disconnect from his 'baby monitor'; the more freedom he got on this mission, the more he could figure out exactly just how deep Katherine had got herself with this Calico situation.

More importantly, he could find out how to get her out of it all.


"Calico, sir, Batman's has been sighted in the north point of the docks." One of the hired guns spoke over radio.

"Batman." Calico sighed, "Why am I not surprised." He looked out the window of the car he was in, wondering, "The boy?"

"Sighted in the east."

"The east." Calico thought about it for a moment before telling the driver to, "Drop me off in the south-west."

"With all due respect, sir, they're here for you." Another hesitant voice came over the radio. "Going directly into their sights-"

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now