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|Gotham City
|April 3 2014, 09:52

Nearly an entire hour late, Joker arrived outside the building, followed by a small army of police.

"Sorry I'm late." He said when he finally reached Calico's office, "Traffic."

"I can see that." Calico looked down at the police cars then up at the helicopter that had arrived to join them. He closed the blinds on his office window before Joker's hard to miss green hair could be spotted inside, turning around to face the clown prince with an unamused look.

The Light were certain he was the most qualified to fix the Boy Wonder problem.

Calico disagreed.

"So." Joker looked around the office, "I see you let go of that pretty receptionist lady- and I couldn't help but notice the lack of assistance to Black Mask's office."

"It's my office now and I don't want you killing anyone else in it." Calico narrowed his eyes.

"Oh...ohoho..hehe.." Joker found amusement in Calico's great lack of, "I didn't mean any harm, Felix, I was just kitten around. Kitten? Hahahaha!" He burst into hysterics.

"Cat puns." Calico deadpanned, "Hiss-terical."

"Hiss- HAHA!" Joker clapped his hands, continuing to laugh, "You've got some purr-sonality afterall, kid! Now what did you call this surprise meeting for? I'm kind of on the clock here."

Calico reached under his desk to grab a case. "I have something that'll make your bird hunting easier." He said, putting the case infront of Joker, "Some bait."

"Wow." Joker stared at the contents of the case, stating, "That is a lot of drugs."

"Catnip." Calico nodded, his lips curling into a small smile, "Robin's weakness."

"Drugs?" The Joker laughed again, "Robin? A junkie? Haha, that's the funniest joke I've heard all year!"

Calico closed the case. "It's not a joke."

Joker shook his head, "No, no, it must be. I know my Batsy,and I know he'd never allow any of his batbrats near- Catwoman's stray set quite the example while you were gone, you know."

Calico warned, "Don't talk about my Katherine like that."

Joker chuckled, "The last I checked she didn't truly belong to anyone after me...hehehe!"

Calico pointed his gun at Joker, warning a final time, "If I hear you say her name one more time-"


Calico struggled not to go through with it.

After what he'd heard Joker did to Katherine when he owned her- manipulated her into being his sidekick...leaving her on the street to die...a vulnerable and scared kid..

"Just take this case and get the fuck away from me." Calico turned his head away.

Joker giggled, picking up the case.

Once he made it to the door he stopped.

"A quick word of advice before I leave." His demeanour suddenly became humourless as he said, "You aren't the first to sit in that chair, but if you want to be the last you should remember who's the real king of crime."

A threat?

Calico subtly pressed the button his desk to call for his security.

The Joker's mind truly had left him.

"Last time I checked it took me 3 years to become The Cat King of Crime." Calico stated, "You've been playing your little tricks on Batman for 14 and barley have your claws in the Clown Prince title."

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now