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TW: Blood

|Mount Justice
|November 30 2013, 06:34

"Catgirl B-0-0."

Blüdhaven was even worse than Gotham.

It didn't have villains like Scarecrow or The Joker, but it did have psychopaths just as terrifying- and more of them.

Catgirl was hesitant to go with Nightwing at first, but she was glad she went after seeing what he was up against.

There was no way he could protect Blüdhaven on his own.

It'd kill him.

"Catgirl?" Superboy turned away from the static on TV. He took one look at the blood and yelled, "Catgirl needs help!"

"No, no, it's fine.." Catgirl pressed her hand tighter over her bleeding side, "Just a graze, it'll heal soon."

"What happened?" Miss Martian was the first to arrive. She looked just as concerned as Superboy.

"Nothing, really, it's fine." Catgirl gave her a weak smile, "Just a scratch."

"That's more than a scratch." Superboy's eyes widened at the gold running down her black catsuit, "Put more pressure on it. You're bleeding out."

"No, I'm not. I have healing. Just let me sit down for a bit." Catgirl limped to the counter island in the kitchen, a trail of gold behind her.

" are bleeding a lot." Miss Martian backed him up, "You look ill, like you're going to feint. Won't you go into energy saving mode if that happens?"

"I just need to sit down." Catgirl breathed, "Please, just give me a minute to heal."

She'd heal any second now...

Superboy sat across from Catgirl at the counter island, watching her rest her head on the counter.

"If you pass out I'm calling Batman." He said, not believing her at all. "You can't afford to lose anymore lives to this team."

Catgirl narrowed her eyes at him.

He had a point, but still, she didn't willingly get hurt, and her healing was yet to let her down when it came to being injured on the job- even if it had been a little slower recently.

"Katherine, please.." Miss Martian was practically hiding behind her hands, "Please-"

"Fine." Catgirl snapped, taking a deep breath before looking at her with some sympathy, "You're worried- I can feel it, so to put your mind- both your minds at ease, I'll go patch myself up the traditional way, until my healing does the rest."

She'd been their teammate long enough to know that she didn't have much of a choice anyway. If she didn't miraculously make her wound disappear within the next 5 seconds it looked like Superboy was going to drag her to the infirmary by force.

"I'll call Batman-"

"No." Catgirl stopped Superboy from leaving, she winced and let go of him, quickly putting her hand back to her wound as she told him, "D-Don't let this get to The League."

"Why?" Miss Martian questioned.

"Because." Catgirl carefully got down from the stool she was on, "It'd just get me in trouble."

That much was true, but not because of the injury; it was more because of who she was with when she got said injury.

If The Justice League found out Dick Grayson had resurfaced as Nightwing before his 18th birthday, they could and would drag him back.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now