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|December 1 2013, 02:35

"Hey, Kitten, how you feeling?"

Katherine's blurred vision cleared to show Dick standing over her.

"Had me worried there." He nervously chuckled, "Didn't think you were healing."

Katherine sat up, feeling fine. "Well, I am." She stated the obvious as she looked down at the blood she'd been laying in, "That's a lot."

Dick sheepishly laughed, "The beach isn't far if you want to clean yourself up. Wally played doctor while I was-"

"Are you ok?" Katherine looked him up and down for injury, knowing he didn't heal like she did, "Wally said you-"

"Hey, hey, hey." Dick laughed, taking her hands, "You don't get to be worried about me. I was fine after my transfusion, you were in energy saving mode for like a day."

Katherine weakly laughed back, diverting her eyes when she processed what he said.

"A day?" She dug her claws into his hands ever so slightly, but enough to pierce his skin.

"Ah." Dick pulled his hands away, shaking them off before explaining, "Yeah, but I spent most of it out cold. Around a day, why?"

"Jason." Katherine looked up at him with a worried expression, "He had his first training session with Batman."


Dick knew she had to go to The Batcave, but she never told him why. He presumed it was to patch herself up and she'd changed her mind because Jason was there.

He never knew she wanted to see Jason.

"I never showed." Katherine diverted her eyes again, "I told him I'd be there and I didn't show. I left him alone with...with him."

"Hey, it wasn't your fault." Dick put a hand on her shoulder to comfort her, "You didn't know what you were getting into here in Blüdhaven."

"Yeah." Katherine managed another weak laugh, "You really have your work cut out for you here, don't you?"

"I can go with you if you want to make sure he's ok?" Dick offered, knowing how angry he used to be when he first started training with Batman.

Jason seemed even angrier.

Katherine gave him a grateful look but shook her head. "He's living full-time at Wayne Manor, I can't expect you to go back."

"I'm 18."

"You are?" Katherine stupidly asked.

Dick chuckled and nodded, holding up his phone to show a bunch of numbers.

"But if you're 18...that means your contact.."
She smiled despite not being able to read his screen and threw her arms around him laughing.

Dick hugged back, and confirmed, "As of today, I'm officially bat-free."

"No." Katherine shook her head, pushing away from him, "You still have that contract."

"It expired today."

"Oh, it will." Katherine laughed under her breath, jumping down from the operating table to clean up and change into her suit. "Come on, Birdy, we got an errand to run."

Dick hesitantly followed her lead and changed into his own suit, wary what she meant by 'errand'.


Catgirl walked out of the store lighting a cigarette. She saw Nightwing and ran to him.

"Hey, Birdy. You got the papers?" She blew her smoke away from him.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now