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|Gotham City
|November 11 2013, 03:24

Katherine was ill.

She was very ill.


Because she agreed to go back on her morphine medication- so she'd not be in pain of all things.

She was a hero; pain came with the job.

"I've never liked stakeouts." Batgirl puffed, blowing a strand of her red hair away from her cowl.

Robin walked along the edge of the roof they were waiting on, enjoying the wind up at the top of what appeared to be at least a 20 storey skyscraper.

Despite stopping the morphine the second she woke up from her energy saving state, Catgirl felt more ill than ever.

Thanks to her healing ability, whenever she was put on medication it was a ridiculously large dosage, so the drug would have a chance to work.

Downside was, she still got the full experience with the withdrawal symptoms.

It felt like she was dying.

"Where the hell is this crook?" Catgirl dug her claws into the palms of her hands, trying to ground herself.

Both Batgirl and Robin turned around to look at her.

Robin decided to be the brave one.

He jumped down from the edge of the building he was perched on and crouched close to her, just staring at her.

"I'll shoot-"

"I'm not moving until you tell me what's wrong." He grinned, getting even closer to her.

Catgirl narrowed her eyes, keeping them on the street below, where their target would be arriving any second.

Robin spread his arms, threatening to hug.

"Dick, I swear to Bastet-"

"Too late!" Robin tackled her to the ground in a hug.

"Fuck off!" Catgirl snapped, digging her claws into him so he'd release her.

She got to her feet and brushed herself down, ignoring the shocked looks she was getting.

"You actually...ow.." Robin nervously laughed, "I was just playing, no need to go feral on me, kitten."

"Yeah, well this isn't a game." Catgirl refused to meet any of their eyes, keeping her own on the fresh blood staining her claws.

She actually hurt him.

"What's the matter with you?!" Batgirl quickly recovered from her shock, jumping down from the higher ground to defend Robin. "He's bleeding!"

"No shit, Batgirl, I practically have razor blades for fingernails." Catgirl held up her bloody claws.

"He was just trying to!-"

"It's fine!" Robin quickly cut in before a real fight broke out, "It's my fault; I knew she was in a bad mood and pushed her. Just back off, Babs, it's not a big deal."

"Exactly." Catgirl mumbled, the guilt starting to kick in. "We're on a mission."

"I think our source was lying too." Robin added, stopping the bleeding on his arm, "Still no sign of Calico, or his new business partner."

Batgirl leaned over the edge to double check the car hadn't arrived on the other side of the road.

"You're right." She concluded, going back to her previous position. She then scoffed, claiming, "I always knew that goon was full of-"

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now