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|Gotham City

|October 31 2013, 05:55

"So you can get him that scholarship today, right?" Katherine asked, anxiously pacing her living room as she waited for Bruce's answer.

After a quick search of the other schools in Gotham, she knew the last thing Jason needed was to be surrounded by the kids there; more than half of them were worse than he was- more than half of them were already in gangs.

If Jason went to any school other than Gotham Academy he'd end up exactly where Katherine didn't want him to be;

Right back in juvy.

"It's already mid-term, so he would have already missed-"

"Yes or no, Bruce? I need to get this kid into that school asap." Katherine said, ignoring the glares and dirty looks she was getting from Jason, who was listening into her half of the conversation from the breakfast table.

Bruce sighed on the other side of the phone.


"He's a smart kid, honest, he won't waste- wait, fine?" Katherine ginned from ear to ear at Jason. "Really? You'll do it?" She asked Bruce.

Jason stood up, stunned, "He'll pay it? All $70,000?"

Katherine nodded, barely containing the joy and relief she was feeling.

Jason was going to school.

"When can he start?" Katherine asked, fully aware the school year had already started and they would probably be around a quarter the way through the academic year.

"Tomorrow." Bruce grumbled, "As soon as possible, like you said."

"Ah, thank you!" Katherine would've hugged him if it A.) wasn't Bruce and B.) he wasn't on the phone, maybe even off planet.

"Mhm. You can repay me by-"

"K, bye!" Katherine hung up before he could finish.

She still had some of the day and most of the night left- and she wasn't going to waste it doing whatever shitty job on The Watchtower that Batman didn't want to do.

"You're in." She laughed, holding her arms out for him.

Jason was quick to run into them, hugging her tightly. "Thank you, Katherine. I won't let you down. I-"

"I know." She hugged him back, feeling herself tear up a little, "You go and make me proud, kid."

Maybe there was some hope for Jason Todd yet.


"Ok, come out and show me!" Katherine called from outside the changing room, tapping her foot impatiently.

The clock on the wall above her was irritating to say the least, and Jason had been in there for almost an hour now, making her that much more impatient.

"Katherine, I can't!" Jason shouted from behind the curtain, "I can't!"

"Come on, it's not that-"

"Don't you fucking dare tell me it's not that bad. I'm wearing a tie- and shorts!" Jason's voice cracked.

Katherine giggled, imagining Jason in anything but the scruffy hoodies and jeans he always wore.

She didn't even think he knew how to tie a tie.

Neither did she though.

"Come on, kid, we haven't got all day." She continued to giggle, watching the curtain move as he turned to look at himself.

"I don't see why I need to get a uniform anyway. Isn't that just more for your Bruce friend to buy? The tag on this blazer says it costs-"

"Just come out and show me" Katherine spoke over him, adjusting the sunglasses that were hiding her eyes, "If you hate the shorts that much i'm sure you can switch them out for pants."

"I still have to wear a stupid tie...and these stupid fucking socks...and the shoes- why can't I just go to public school where you can wear what you want?!" Jason continued to complain, "I know this school is gonna be good- and I'm gonna go...but I can't wear this shit, my friends will never let me hear the end of it."

"I know what the uniform is like, I've had friend that" Katherine let out a heavy sigh, ignoring Jason's protest when she got a call on her phone.

Boy Blunder.


"Hey, kid...I have a call I need to take, ok?" Katherine slowly got up, trying to decide if she wanted to answer the call and get scolded for ditching him, or stay in the high end tailor's and listen to Jason whine.

It was only a matter of time before she had to come up with some lie about why she ran off on Robin, and she knew if she ignored his calls he'd just track her location and demand to know in person.

She couldn't be seen with Jason.

Not by a hero.

"Take your time!" Jason shouted from behind the curtain, quickly going back to cussing out his school shorts.

Surely she could make it up to Robin.

He never stayed mad at her for that long...

Katherine took a deep breath and left the store, answering the phone awkwardly, "Hey, Birdy."

"Don't you dare try get your way out this." Robin almost shouted down the line, "I waited until sunrise for you meet me, now you're celebrating by shopping for clothes?"

He seriously thought she would spend her day off shopping?

He couldn't be serious.

"I'm not celebrating anything. You know I don't do things like birthdays." Her eyes moved up to the rooftops, looking out for her traffic light coloured friend, "And what did I tell you about spying on me? I keep my phone on me so you can keep in contact with me, not so you can stalk my every move."

"You went AWOL and I needed to make sure you were ok. I expected to find you half dead in some ditch, not outside a high end tailor's." He defended himself, "I was just making sure you were safe, you know, like a good friend?"

"Yeah, right." Katherine knew that was a lie. "Well now you know i'm safe, i'm in the middle of something and I need to-"

"Hey, what the fuck- Katherine?!"

"Bastet, give me strength." Katherine sighed, glancing back through the glass window at Jason, who had just properly seen himself in the mirror for the first time.

"What?" Robin got concerned, "Are you ok? I heard someone yelling-"

"Nothing that requires anything more than a camera." She assured as she hung up and went back inside the store to find Jason looking at himself in the full body mirror with disgust.

"It's not that bad.." Katherine diverted her eyes, trying to stop herself from laughing at him.

Jason really didn't look like Jason.


"I mean, maybe lose the shorts- hahaha- sorry...pfffthahaha!" Katherine made the mistake of looking back at him, completely losing her composure.

Jason went bright red and marched back into the changing room, roughly sliding the curtain across to hide himself.

Katherine kept laughing as she grabbed a pair of pants and threw them over the curtain for him to change into. " starts tomorrow, kid! Y-You don't..haha..wanna have no u-uniform on your first day, d-do you?"

"Do you really want me to answer that?!"

Katherine wiped her tears away and shook her head, "Hah, it doesn't make a difference. I'm forcing you into that snob school whether you like it or not, so try on those pants and we'll call it a day, k?"


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