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|Mount Justice

|December 18 2013, 18:34

"Nightwing B-0-1."

"Oooh, new designation," Artemis sarcastically greeted, "Nightwing."

"Catgirl B-0-0."

"And Catgirl." Kid Flash raised a brow, "You guys are spending a lot of time together. Is there something you're not telling us-"

"Robin B-1-3."

"Surprise?" Catgirl weakly smiled at the shocked expressions of Artemis and Kid Flash.

"Whoa!" Robin looked up at them in awe, "You're Artemis and Kid Flash. I read your Justice League files. You guys are legends!"

"Yes?" Kid Flash immediately looked over at Nightwing for answers.

Nightwing told them, "I'm going to call a team meeting. There's a lot of new changes everyone needs to be made aware of."

"No kidding." Artemis said, looking down at Robin.

Robin blushed, quickly asking Katherine, "So, do you think there's time for you to give me a tour of the place before this team meeting?"

"I don't see why not."


"So you can smoke in here?" Robin watched Catgirl smoke as she led the way.

"Why, you want one?" She pulled out her pack, quickly laughing as she remembered he couldn't. She put her cigarettes back into her utility belt. "No. Smoking isn't allowed in any of The Justice League facilities, I can just get away with it here because I'm team supervisor."

"But there's cameras." Robin subconsciously glanced up to try and find one to show her.

Catgirl chuckled and took her cigarette out her mouth, holding it between them as they turned a corner, revealing a camera.

"Right." Robin felt stupid, "You of all people would know about the cameras."

Catgirl waited until they were out the cameras sight before putting her cigarette back into her mouth. "Every camera, motion sensor and alarm." she confirmed.

"What if someone reports you to The Justice League?" Robin wondered, "What happens then? Are you punished for breaking the rules like I am, or do you get special treatment because you're team supervisor?"

Catgirl giggled, "Why would the team report me?"

"Uh...because it's against the rules?" Robin wasn't sure if that was a trick question or not. He'd spent so long with Batman lately that he found himself struggling to tell the difference anymore.

Everything was a test with Batman.

Catgirl picked up on his genuine confusion- and the anxiety that came with it. She blew smoke away from Robin and told him, "If the team report me, I'm automatically replaced by another leaguer."

"And?" He still didn't get why that was so bad.

"And?" Catgirl laughed at him, shaking her head, "Kid, you crack me up."

"What?" Robin got frustrated with her laughing at him, "What's funny?"

Catgirl felt his shift in mood once again, and stopped herself from laughing more. She explained, "Since I joined The Justice League, I've been in charge of training the team. The team's training is a little like your training; it sucks when I'm not there and you're left with Batman."

"Oh." Robin understood perfectly when it was said like that, "Right. Nevermind then."

He knew exactly how rough training was with Batman when Catgirl didn't show.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now