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It took a little longer than she wanted it to, due to healing, well, everything, but Catgirl had successfully put what was left of her old life into Robin, giving him extra life while she finally got to live her next.

She'd forgotten just how powerful she was when she had a full 15 years of life in her.

Perhaps she was mistaking power for rage.

Her grey vision was almost red watching Joker drag Robin across the warehouse.

Catgirl pulled off her cowl and threw it aside, now able to use her full speed to run at Joker with the crowbar and take him down.

"What?!" He looked just as stunned as Robin did to see her alive.

"Cats do have 9 lives." She glared, hitting him again on the head.

Robin weakly laughed, shortly choking on his blood after.

Catgirl threw the crowbar away and ran to Robin, pulling off his mask to see his eyes properly.

They looked distant.

She'd seen enough death in her life to recognise that he was slipping.

"Hey, don't do that." She shook him a little, "No, not yet. You're not dying tonight kid."

"Y-Yeah.." Robin leaned into her, closing his eyes, "You saved me..."

"Hey!" Catgirl moved him so he wasn't able to lie into her, "Eyes open. Justice League's on the way, just hold on."

Robin forcefully swallowed his blood, managing a nod up at her.

The Justice League definitely got her location.

She did have a history of pressing that button accidentally, but by now Nightwing would've noticed she'd left- though she doubted he'd have the nerve to show his face here.

Not after what he did.

Surely he'd of at least told someone she'd ran off.

Even if he didn't want her to be found...

"I'm sorry it took me so long." Catgirl shook the thought off, believing they were coming, because they had to.

She brushed some of Robin's blood soaked hair out his face, getting a better look at the damage Joker had done to his head; there were multiple parts that had been split open and brushed with the beating from that crowbar.

Even with her short life in him, she doubted it'd give him more than a few hours.

His survival came down to luck really; how long his own body could keep itself alive with his own life- the life Joker had almost taken before she even arrived.

"You...shouldn't have to..die-"

"And neither do you." Catgirl shut down Robin, digging her claws into one of his broken legs to make him wake up. She ignored his pained groan from it, telling him, "That life of mine hasn't ran out yet. I gave it to you while Joker was beating me, giving me a chance to connect with Bastet and make the transfer. It won't last you long, but it'll keep you alive long enough for someone to rescue you."

"What?" Robin didn't seem to believe her, "In...190 seconds?"

Catgirl frowned at him, "They won't keep you waiting a second longer, kid." She held him closer again, "Just please...just please don't die before then, k?"

"Pinky- swear-!" Robin choked again.

Catgirl let out a shaky breath and lay him down on his side, both of them watching as blood poured out his mouth and onto the floor.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now