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|Mount Justice

|February 16 2014, 17:24

"Catgirl B-0-0."

"Nightwing B-0-1."

"I hate you."

"I love you too."

"If I could walk I'd kill you."

"Then it's a good thing you collapsed, isn't it."

"I hate you."

"Mhm." Nightwing carried Katherine into the main living area of the cave, placing her down on the couch. "You want anything? Food? Water? Pills?"

"You got any cyanide pills in that bag of yours?" Katherine flashed a pissed off grin.

"Okay..." Nightwing put his hands up, backing up from her slowly, "I'll go let the full-timers know you're staying for a while."

"Whatever." Katherine scoffed, switching the TV onto the news, "I'm out here the second my healing kicks in."

Nightwing sighed at her, "Just stay put", leaving her by the TV to go to the training room where some of the team were sparring.

"Dude!" Kid Flash sped over to him, giving him a tight hug, "We missed you!"

"Yeah." Superboy crossed his arms, "Is it to much to ask for a reason when you go awol on us?"

"I didn't go awol." Nightwing lifted the duffel bag he was carrying, "I needed to go take care of Katherine."

"Understandable." Aqualad nodded, "Catgirl can be difficult."

"Catgirl?!" A young, chirp voice exclaimed, "She's here?! She's so cool!"

"Wait, I recognise this voice..." Nightwing moved back from KF to look at those in the room better.

Most of the unfamiliar faces remained so, but the young one belonged to a boy Nightwing recognised immediately, even if he was now bright green. "Garfield?!" He lit up, running over to give the boy a hug, "What you doing here?!"

"Don't ask." Miss Martian warned in his head, "Queen Bee got his mother. He's staying here now."

Garfield sniffed, hugging Nightwing back.

Nightwing held Garfield that little bit closer before standing up straight again to look at the other newcomers.

He knew from experience that being treated like a glass house often set you up to shatter.

"Bumblebee." A girl in black and yellow waved.

"Lagoon Boy." The other unfamiliar face introduced themselves.

"Oh, I'm Beastboy now!" Garfield reintroduced himself, "Pretty cool, right?"

"Yeah, super cool." Nightwing smiled, trying not to think too much about what led the boy to take up that identity.

"We've met." Batgirl took the duffel bag off Nightwing, wondering, "Where's Katherine now? Tell me you didn't just leave her."

"Oh, she's- wait." Nightwing stopped himself, having to double-take with Batgirl. "You-?"

"Figured it was time I joined the team everyone's been hyping up." Batgirl replied, asking again, "Catgirl?"

"On the couch." Nightwing answered, warning, "She's pissed though."

"At you." Batgirl poked him before wandering off in the direction that would take her to Catgirl.

Beastboy ran after them.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now