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|November 28 2013, 14:44

Was this a good idea?


Did he call her to meet him anyway?

Of course he did.

Dick paced back and forth outside the warehouse, patiently waiting for her to arrive.

He kept their phone call brief incase it was traced, but he trusted her enough to not tell anyone or come with anyone.

Right enough he was.

When he saw her come onto the docks it gave him a nice warm feeling- relief, maybe?

She noticed him and used her speed to run into his arms, squeezing him as tight as she could.

She was definitely relieved to see him alive and well.

"You idiot!" She laughed as she hugged him, "You crazy, brilliant, idiot! I was starting to get worried about your sorry ass! Where the fuck were you?"

"I can't tell you that." He muffled into her hair.

That was a lie, he just didn't want to tell her he was hiding out with her ex, Roy Harper.

"Guess it's probably best I don't know until you don't need to go there anymore. Whoever they were, I feel sorry for them." She snickered, "Having to put up with your whiney ass."

"Thanks." Dick somewhat missed her insults.

She smiled up at him and backed up to look at the warehouse he was standing in front of properly. "Wait a second. Have...have we been here before?" She wondered, looking at the harbour behind her, "I swear we.."

"I was waiting for you to ask that." Dick grinned in response. He'd been keeping this a secret for way too long.

"We have?" Katherine raised a brow at him, a second later her confusion clearing.

"Christmas 2010." They said at the same time.

"Wow, now that was a holiday I didn't completely hate." She looked up at the warehouse and laughed, "Ha, this place is still standing too! I thought The League would've teared it down after getting rid of the zeta tube. What's it still doing standing?"

"Actually, that's why I asked you to meet me here." Dick pulled out a small ring box from his pocket, "I was supposed to give you this on your birthday, but you ditched me before I could properly give it to you."

"My...surprise?" Katherine looked down at the ring box in his hand, hesitantly taking it.

"Trust me, you'll love it." He encouraged her to open it.

Katherine gave him a nervous smile and slowly opened the box to reveal...a key?

"Oh, thank Bastet, it's a key." She breathed, holding up the key, "A key to..?"

"A key to our safehouse." He grinned again, stepping aside as he opened the warehouse door to reveal...

"A warehouse?" Katherine still wasn't sure what was going on, "You got us The League's old, now empty, warehouse."

"So it appears." Dick gestured for her to enter, "I may or may not have activated some of The League's old tech and put it off-grid. It looks like a normal abandoned warehouse, even to them, until you enter and..."

"And?" She waited for him to continue.

"And.." He shoved her towards the door, wanting her to see for herself.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now