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|Mount Justice
|January 10 2014, 05:33

Robin was sparring with Aqualad when the zeta tube activated and they both stopped.

Everyone did.

"Catgirl B-0-0."

She shouldn't be here.

"Katherine?!" Artemis practically cried, running away from Kid Flash to squeeze Catgirl in a tight hug.

"Y-Yeah." Catgirl tapped her best friend's best, desperate to be let go.

Knowing how delicate she was, Artemis let Catgirl go, watching as she went straight to Nightwing, who simply smiled and said, "You're late."

She was supposed to be here?

"I thought Catgirl quit." Superboy crossed his arms.

"What?" She smirked at him, "You not happy to see me, Supey?"

Superboy narrowed his eyes, "You're lucky we even can see you. Any of us. You're lucky you're not-"

"Catgirl's here to even out our numbers." Nightwing cut in, explaining to the team, "Catgirl's here as a guest. I hacked the Justice League's tech so it looks like Batgirl came by. I already told Batman she was coming by to get some intel from me. Anyone asks, Batgirl came by and...wandered off with me."

"Believable." Kid Flash snickered, earning a look from Artemis. "...not?"

"And Batgirl's in on this?" Robin raised a brow.

Believable or not, Robin didn't think for one moment Barbara Gordon would be in on something like this.

Sure she and Catgirl didn't exactly hate eachother- but Catgirl was one government decision away from death row.

Batgirl, she...she just wasn't like that.

Not from what Robin knew about her.

As for Catgirl, her being anywhere near the people who could actually stop her was dangerous, and Batman made it very clear to everyone that they couldn't associate with Catgirl anymore because of that.

"Is she in on it? Hah, it was Batgirl's idea!" Nightwing laughed, "I was just gonna hack The League and let them figure it out. She's the one that didn't want Katherine on Batman's bad side."


Robin called bullshit.

"Eh, a little too late for that, but fuck Batman." Catgirl stretched, "He knows better than to start something with me when I have nothing left to lose."

The team seemed just as uneasy about this comment as Robin did, but only the original members of the team really knew what to expect.

Only they'd ever really fought against Katherine when she was the enemy.


"Yeah, he knows better." Nightwing lightly punched her arm, telling the rest of the team, "To make things fair on all of you, I'll be the one sparring with Catgirl today. You'll all be spectating, picking up on our skills to improve your own skills."

"Yeah." Catgirl sheepishly laughed, "Figured after all the stress you'd all been under with me leaving the team, the least I could do is let you laugh at me getting my ass kicked-"

"Which won't happen, because you're fully rested." Nightwing spoke over her.

Robin scoffed under his breath.

He was there with her the other day.

She definitely wasn't getting enough rest.

And this definitely wasn't going to end well.

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now