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|Gotham City
|February 13 2014, 01:53

"Remember, Robin, you're undercover. You hear me?" Batgirl spoke over comms, "I'm trusting you here. Don't even think about going off on your own once you find our guy."

"Yeah, yeah." Jason kept his hands in his pockets, "Don't worry, I got this. I been surviving on these streets for years before Bruce- even Katherine. I know what I'm doing."

"Still." Batgirl warned, "The Narrows is more dangerous than ever. It's not Katherine's territory anymore, it's Calico's."

"I'll keep you updated." Jason turned off his mic, double-checking that his GPS was turned on before going to the infamous Crime Alley.

The last time Jason wandered into here to seek out a dealer, it backfired big time.

Honestly, being back in Crime Alley like this made him a little uneasy.

It felt like he shouldn't of been here period.

"Uh, hello?" He called out, unable to tell if anyone was around.

A moment later not one but seven men walked out of the shadows, all of them armed with baseball bats, switchblades, and crowbars.

Normally, this'd be Jason's cue to attack before they did but he wasn't Robin right now- at least he wasn't dressed like Robin.

He was just Jason Todd right now.

Gotham Academy schoolboy.

Bruce Wayne's latest 'charity case'.

"Hello..." He backed up a little, trying to look at least a little bit afraid of the gang he'd encountered.

After being Robin for so long, situations like this weren't as scary as they used to be.

They were, if anything, exciting.

"I'm looking to buy." He told the men, wondering, "None of you would happen to be the guy that sold catnip to one of my schoolmates, would you?"

The men narrowed their eyes, one stepping forward and sneering, "What's it to you?"

Jason smiled, having found his guy.

"I'm looking to buy." He repeated, pulling out a thick stack of fake money, "As much catnip as this can get me."

The men all laughed, another snatching the fake money to look at it.

Jason clenched his jaw, trying to keep a poker face while the man flicked through the fake money Batgirl had made.

"It's £100,000." Jason tried to save them the trouble.

It wasn't that he didn't trust Batgirl, he just didn't trust himself to be able to play the role he needed to for much longer.

Some of the men were already getting suspicious of him; their grips on their weapons becoming that much more secure- ready.

Were they going to try and take the money and run?

"Sure thing, kid." The man with the catnip pulled out a plastic sandwich bag, filled with dozens of smaller plastic bags. "Take it."

Jason held out his hand, waiting for the man to come to him.

He'd been in The Narrows too long to fall for that trick.

The way the man's other hand was hidden up his sleeve...he obviously had a knife waiting.

"Smart kid." The man confirmed he had a knife, slipping it out his sleeve to point it at the catnip. "You want your catnip, come get it."

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now