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|Gotham City
|December 31 2013, 23:51

"The Justice League are expected to release an official statement regarding Catgirl's sudden resignation, and what it means for the future of-"

"You can't seriously still be worrying about that." Dick frowned, the TV remote in his hand.

Yeah, she could.

Katherine kept her eyes on the now black screen. "Just turn it back on, Birdy. I'm not in the mood to argue."

Ever since she got away from the hall she'd been by her TV, just waiting for the breaking news about what the future- her future would be like, without the protection of The Justice League.

Dick was convinced they'd not let anything happen to her.

He wasn't there the first time she left them.

"Since you're clearly already in a bad mood, I won't argue about the...situation any more than I have with you." He tossed the remote onto the couch by her, adding, "But I also won't let your anxiety consume you."

"I don't have anxiety." Katherine narrowed her eyes at him.

Dick put his hands up, "Maybe not, maybe not." He tilted his head slightly with a half smirk, "But I've also not seen you move from that spot in days. You're not anxious, but you're definitely on edge. It's not like you."

"Yeah?" Katherine relaxed a little, trying not to look at the blank TV screen again, "And what is like me, huh?"

"Well..." Dick checked his phone for the time, "It's nearly midnight, on new year's, so you should be celebrating." He gave her a hopeful look, reminding, "We still have time to go to Mount Justice or Artemis and-"

"No, I don't want to see them." Katherine shifted her gaze back onto the TV, "I just...I can't see anyone who doesn't know right now- not until I know what's happening. Out of everyone in The League, I know they'll stand by me regardless of what the suits decide, and I can't lie to them about this if there's a chance they'll be grouped in with me. I've lied to them enough about this."

She'd been lying to them all about Felix.

The only exception...Dick.

"Well it's obvious you made some sort of deal with Calico." He crossed his arms, "The second you retired, he dropped the bounty on Robin. You don't need to lie because you can't. Batman definitely knows you're linked."

"Still." Catgirl looked at him, "They don't know the whole truth about Calico and me...what he is to me. They don't know how we're linked."

"And even if they do, you did the right thing- for both you and Jason." Dick came to her, holding his hand out, "Of all the people out there, you really shouldn't worry about him, he's family."

"It's not Jason I'm worried about." Catgirl got up on her own, "It's the people who have a say over that shoot to kill order I'm worried about. I'm worried about Belle Reve- and yeah, I'm worried about Bruce."

Even if things went back to how they were before she joined the team, the only real threat to her was Bruce.

If he really wanted to, he could take her down.

He'd struggled in the past to do so, sure, but now he knew more about her than he ever did.

She always knew he'd use it against her, eventually...

"Bruce won't do anything without a reason to." Dick narrowed his eyes, "He did enough at Wayne Manor and at The Hall of Justice."

"Yeah." Katherine weakly laughed, "Nothing says I support your decision like 'you're on your own now, Katherine', right?"

Catgirl: Young Justice BOOK 2 (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now