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|Mount Justice
|January 17 2014, 05:53

"Robin, not so aggressive!" Nightwing shouted over everyone sparring, physically wincing at Robin, who was paired with Superboy.

"I'm fighting a half-superman!" Robin yelled back, ducking just in time to avoid a punch that could've really hurt him has he not been working on his focus when it came to what was around him in a fight.

"He's fine!" Superboy assured, "Going easy on the kid!"

"Kid?!" Robin's attacks became even more aggressive, "I'm not a kid, I'm- I'm a teenager!"

"Boy, are we getting old..." Artemis muttered, having stopped with Aqualad to watch the fight.

"Speak for yourself." Nightwing chuckled, his smile fading when an alert popped up on his wrist computer. "Shit." Escaped his mouth before he could stop himself.

"What?" Artemis didn't like the sound of that.

"Nothing." Nightwing lied, "Active crime in Blüdhaven. I gotta ditch."

"Don't worry about it." Aqualad switched places with him, "I'll handle things here."

"Really?" Nightwing gave him a greatful look, "Thanks, Kaldur."

"Yeah, thanks Kaldur." Artemis grinned, "You just got me the rest of training off."

"Not quite." Aqualad gave a small smile back before calling out, "Robin, you're off! Superboy, you're with Artemis!"

"What?!" Both Artemis and Robin snapped, "That is so not fair!"

"Make sure he's feeling the aster." Nightwing gave Aqualad another nod before walking out of the room.

Only once he was out of sight did he made a run for the zeta tubes in the hanger.

That alert wasn't a crime in Blüdhaven

Not at all.

If he got an alert for every active crime in that city, his wrist computer would never be off.

The alert was from his old programme- the one that monitored Katherine's energy levels and vitals.

She'd suddenly fallen from a lower green to a red.

Energy saving mode.


"Katherine?" He slipped through the kitchen window, avoiding the pile of dirty dishes to enter her apartment. "Katherine, where you- right." He mentally scolded himself.

She didn't usually say much in energy saving mode.

"Where are you?" He continued to quietly talk to himself- perhaps to ease his nerves a little.

It had been years since she'd fallen that low into the red.

This wasn't going to be good.

Hopefully she didn't mean this soon when she told the team that she was going to be 'dying soon'.

This was way too soon.

He wasn't ready-


She was there.

Not well, but alive.

Lying in the hallway, Katherine was crumpled on the ground, shaking to the point where it looked as if she'd got a fever.

That was almost impossible.

It was January, sure, but she shouldn't of got sick from the current-


"Katherine." Dick almost as weakly choked out, running to her side to turn her around.

When he got a good look at her face it confirmed she did indeed have a fever.

A bad one.

"You have a fever." Nightwing stated what he did know.

How was she even conscious right-

He thought too soon...

Just as he was about to ask how she got the fever, she checked out.

"It's ok." He took a shaky breath, trying not to let her current state upset him too much, "You're gonna be ok, Katherine. I got you." He scooped her up, walking right past her bedroom and to the front door, "I got here in time. You still have time."


Katherine opened her eyes, her head spinning even though she was laying down, tucked into bed.

"Welcome back to the land of the living." Dick's voice came from somewhere in the room.

"Nhhh.." Katherine groaned, pulling the sheets over her face to block out the harsh light in the room. "Did I finally die?"

She could hear Dick coming over to her. He crouched at her bedside so he was around eye level before carefully pulling the sheet back down to her neck.

"No, not yet, but you should've called me if you had a fever." He frowned, putting the back of his hand to one of her cheeks, "You're still burning up."

"S'fine." Katherine murmured, closing her eyes as he put his cold hand to her forehead. "Just leave me."

"Absolutely not." Dick pulled his hand away, a moment later placing a damp cloth on her forehead, "You're lucky I found you." He told her, "Had you went through the next few hours on your own, you could've have died."

"I've died worse ways." Katherine went to pull the cloth from her forehead, taking a sharp breath when she felt Dick's hand pressing over her own to keep it there.

"I don't care if it's not as bad as your other deaths. It's not your time yet. I'm not letting you speed up the process by neglecting yourself. If you can't look after yourself anymore, I will-"

"Yeah...we talked about this." Katherine put her other hand around his wrist, digging her claws in ever so slightly so he'd let go.

He didn't though.

Dick wasn't budging this time.

"Fine." Katherine rest her free arm back on the bed, "Bitch about it later, when my head doesn't feel like it's about to explode."

"Yes." Dick let her go, "I will." He moved away from her bedside, letting her know, "I'm going out to get more meds. Your healing's acting up again; it barley helped you at all. Chances are, your body still fights off the strongest of drugs, so I'm going out to stock up- presuming I'll be allowed to legally buy that many pills."

"Hah.." Katherine found it funny that even when she was stuck in bed she was still able to make his life difficult.

"Still not funny." Dick tapped his foot impatiently, clearly debating if he should leave her alone or not.

It was probably just her fever talking, but she didn't seem to care what happened to herself.

Was it safe to leave her alone?

If she wanted her to be safe at all, he needed the meds, so after thinking it through a little more he decided, "I'm leaving you here alone for a bit- but I'm only going to be a few blocks away. Black Canary is filling in for me with team training, so you have me all to yourself-"

"Lucky me."

Dick bit his tongue for a moment before telling her, "Just stay put until I get back." and leaving the room.

The second Katherine heard the front door close, she opened her eyes again.

'Stay put'.

As if.

Word Count: 1089

A/N: I'm apparently incapable of keeping track of the days of the week so this is the chapter you should've got on Monday, and I'll post the next chapter as normal presuming I don't forget again. Thank you for supporting the book, and if you don't already then please take the time to vote to help boost the book! Thanks for reading! 

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