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|Infinity Island
|April 17 2014, 17:16

Calico walked down a stone staircase to the lazarus pools.

Ra's was standing by them, his daughter Talia by his side.

"Felix." She looked at him surprised. "You escaped."

"Of course I did." Calico looked over at Ra's.

Ra's knew why he was here.

"The pools." Calico diverted his eyes to the glowing green water, "Is it really that bad?"

"The Joker is unpredictable." Ra's stepped away from the lazarus pit, strolling around it with Talia close behind him. "I may need to right a wrong if he doesn't make it to the boy in time."

"What?" Calico grimaced, "You're saying the kid might have to..?"

"Be brought back, yes." Talia narrowed her eyes, "Something that would've never happened had your ego not intervened."

Calico misjudged Joker.

He was starting to see that now.

"I'm doing all I can to right my wrong too." Calico looked back at the green pool, "There is more ways to give life than your pit though."

"Your life?" Ra's walked straight past him.

Calico stayed silent, following him and Talia back up the stairs to discuss a plan properly.


"So where is he?" Calico got straight to the point the moment Talia had left him and her father alone.

"A warehouse."

"Where?" Calico stared at Ra's back.

Ra's stared out a large window, not giving any more of an answer than that.

He didn't know where Robin was either.

Calico weakly chuckled, "You can't control Joker, can you?"

"I'm afraid nobody can control him."

"You can stop him though." Calico stepped forward to look out the window at the army training in the courtyard below. "The Shadows are completely under your control. A hundred assassins-"

"I don't want to save the boy." Ra's spoke over him. "He is disposable."

Calico bowed his head, "You're right, of course, but-"

"I'm honestly surprised you do, considering it was you who wanted to kill him to begin with." Ra's glanced back at Calico, "Are you having second thoughts about your alliance to The Light, Calico?"

Calico's eyes widened.

"No!" He shook his head, "Absolutely not. I'd never side with the heroes. Not after all they've done."

"I've had a change of heart." Ra's looked back out the window again, promising, "Robin will live regardless of what happens to the boy. I've come to the realisation he is a necessary good."

"But the kid-"

"Understood the risks." Ra's cut him off. "His death will still send the message of The Light."

"If Batman doesn't get there in time you will right the wrong through, right?" Calico just needed to know that.

He only came here to keep his side of the deal with Batman.

Katherine would be pardoned if Robin was brought back safe.

It didn't really matter how he was brought back.

"The Lazarus Pit will be waiting for him." Ra's gave his word, "You need only worry about your sister now."

"What does that mean?" Calico narrowed his eyes, "Is my alliance to The Light not enough?"

"No, your sister is no use to The Light." Ra's explained, "She's currently on her deathbed, her sickness too great for her to survive."

Calico's heart sunk.

"She' long does she have?"

Why did nobody tell him?

His sister was dying.

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