Episode 11 Part 9

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Sato and Takagi sat in Sato's car and they were speeding all over Beika with sirens.

"Just where are they..." said Sato worried and narrowed her eyes as she sped around.

"Sato-san! Maybe slow down a bit?" asked Takagi terrified.

"Not until I get my sight on those two" said Sato and took a sharp turn terrifying Takagi. "I won't stop until I know they're safe!"

"I-I understand, Sato-san, but- Ah!" he screamed as Sato took another sharp turn.

The sound of police sirens continued to blare as they sped down roads in search for their favorite children they all sat under their protection.

***(With you and Conan)***

You two quietly ran and hid from place to place as you followed the figure walking down the street.

"Where is he going?" asked Conan as you two looked around the corner watching him.

"Hey, aren't we at Ran's place now" you realised and looked up.

Conan also looked up and now also noticed that the agency was just two buildings down from you.

"We are" he said.

"Then..." you started and ran to a different spot next to a building.

"(Y/N)!" called Conan.

"I'll get your skateboard, you keep an eye!" you quietly yelled back and ran again.

Conan watched as you zig zaged between hiding places, but then shook his head and zig zaged himself while keeping an eye on the figure.

The figure turned to the side and Conan was now able to get a better look at him.

The figure was a man who looked similar from some other place.

He took up a hand and Conan looked back to see a cab coming.

"Crap!" he snarled and ran closer.

He got out something from his pocket and threw it at the cab as it passed him.

The small tracker stuck into the cab and Conan pushed a button on his glasses making an antenna come up.

"Yosh" he grinned as a map came on the glasses and a dot blinked where he was.

He then saw you come down the stairs of the agency just as the man went into the cab and drove off.

You looked both ways and Conan stepped out from where he was and waved you over.

"Where is he?" you asked and ran over to him.

"He got a cab" answered Conan and took the skateboard to throw it down to the ground.

"You didn't loose him right?" you hoped.

"No, I got it" he said and jumped on the skateboard. "Come on!"

You nodded and jumped behind him.

You put your arms around him making him blush slightly, but he shook his head and pressed the button.

The skateboard charged and you two drove off in a high speed after the dot Conan had on his map.

***(With Heiji)***

Heiji stopped and leant into a wall to catch his breath.

"When I get my hand on those two..." he growled and stood up straight.

"Hattori-kun?!" called someone making him freeze knowing the voice.

He slowly looked up and saw Ran running over.

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