Episode 8/Special?

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!!From now on the episodes will be random. I may write a chapter about the BO even if I haven't made a chapter about them learning about them. And maybe Haibara will suddenly appear in one chapter even if I didn't write a chapter about them meeting her!


You woke up earlier then normal on the bed you and Conan shared. You saw that he was still asleep and went quietly out the room and went to the bathroom.

After getting yourself ready for the day you noticed that no one else in the apartment was awake except you.

Looking at the clock you saw that it was a little over an hour until Ran, who normally wakes up first, would get up.

You sighed not knowing what to do this early. Not thinking of anything else to do you went to the living room and took the Sherlock Holmes book that Conan left on the table.

You sighed again after just reading the first page of the book. It happened to be the book in the series that you liked the least.

Setting the book down again, you walked over to the window, opened it and leaned your head out.

You relaxed as you felt the gentle breeze fly by and making your hair swing with the wind. Closing your eyes you listened to everything happening outside.

One thing that caught your attention was a noice from a bird flapping it's wings. You opened your eyes and saw a dove had landed right in front of you on the power line.

The dove was white as snow, and you wondered what it did here.

"I don't think I have seen any white doves in this area" you said to yourself. "What are you doing here, little guy?"

The dove tilted it's head and flew right over your head making you stumble backwards.

The dove landed on the desk and turned it's head to you again. You turned and looked at it quizzically.

The dove hopped to the edge of the desk to get near to you. You tilted your head, now more confused.

You then noticed a small note on the dove's right fot. Gently taking the note from the dove and you looked at it.

It said "A white dove representing peace was sent to you to meet me where they normally land to rest and where one can feel on top with the view of different hights"

When you looked up from the note and to the dove, it looked at you for two seconds then flew out the window again. It flew up into the sky and after a few seconds you couldn't hear it's flapping anymore.

"Where a bird would normally land to rest, and where one can be on top with the view of different hights?" you repeated out loud "Maybe the rooftop?"

You got on your power up shoes and checked if your stun-watch still had needels. After checking that everthing you needed was alright just incase, you nodded approved that it was all ready. You carefully went out the door just to be sure that you didn't accidently wake someone up.

You walked up the stairs and to the door to the rooftop. You opened the door a little and looked around the roof for any threats. Not seeing anything suspecious you went out and pushed the door, but not closing it.

You looked around, but was still not seeing anything out of the ordinary. The roof was totally open with nothing there, and the other building around was normal. You walked to the edge of the roof and looked at the view you had and smiled.

The streets were calmer then usual because it was weekend, so not many were walking around this early. You continued to observe the view and feel the gentle breeze passing by.

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